Hungary’s leader proclaims open revolt against EU, liberal media and finance capital

Hungary’s strongly Euroskeptic prime minister Viktor Orban has made one of his most passionate denunciations yet of Brussels bureaucracy and globalist forces.
Speaking at a commemoration of the 1848 revolutions which swept Europe, including Hungary, Orban said Europe was in a “state of revolt” against Brussels, the “liberal media” and “insatiable global capital.”
Orban, who openly supports Donald Trump and sympathizes with Brexit, said the rebellion started in Britain and America and had now spread across the European continent.
As reported by the Visegrad Post:

Speaking in front of the National Museum, the prime minister said that European nations are in a “state of revolt”, with the “winds of 48 blowing again on the continent”.
Over the past years European nations once again revolted against “the hypocritical alliance of the Brussels bureaucrats, the liberal international media and the insatiable global capital,” Orbán said.
First the British, then the Americans rebelled, to be followed by others this year, he added. Orbán stressed the need for Brussels to take off the “masks of hypocrisy”, and opt for straight speech and an open discussion of the future.
Orbán emphasised that the resettlement of illegal migrants must be prevented, the network financed from foreign funds made transparent, and the right to regulate taxes, wages and utility prices kept in national competence.

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