HRW: Obfuscation Posing as Humanitarianism Report. Slaughter near Latakia

Syria rebels executed civilians, says Human Rights Watch        When my hubby brought this latest to my attention....grrrrr!! I was furious. And you would think I should be elated, right?Human Rights Watch actually focusing on this terrible, terrible atrocity committed by the WESTERN BACKED HIRED KILLERS.Since this happened way back at the beginning of August 2013, two months ago, we all need to ask ourselves...............Why a HRW report at this time? Why not in August? Or September?The Guardian had reported on the attacks near Latakia , just last week. At that time, it seemed odd  they would bother after so many months had passed but now I understand why! Preparation for the spin job from HRW.Digression: You can find the Guardian reporting in this post: Syria: Turkey drills for oil, Salafi butchers garner Western applause, Ghouta and more!In that post you should take note that the West was very pleased with the killers. Check a Foreign Policy article linked within.Of course, I am going to suggest to you the reasoning and timing for the HRW report.But first I feel the need to vent! HRW is an NGO. (Non-Governmental Organization) *NGO’s should be shunned. *They are institutions created for perception management purposes. *Their initials should stand rightfully for NoGoodOrganization.HRW has lived up to their propaganda/perception management purpose and demonstrated repeatedly they are a NoGoodOrganization!Now onto my suggestions for the reason and timing of this report:First: As an attempt to disparage/discredit a report done by Mother Agnes in Syria. Her diligent effort was covered in this post. * One Nun puts US/Israeli intelligence to shame over stage managed Syrian footage Second: The HRW report promotes the concept of good rebels vs bad rebels.There are no good rebels or bad rebels. They are all the same. Hired mercs.Paid to kill and terrorize the Syrian people. That is it!So, let us get to the nonsense that passes as news. And a report that is put forth as credible, but isn't entirely.My commentary included below will all be in blue> From the BBC

Rebel forces in Syria killed as many as 190 civilians and seized more than 200 hostages during a military offensive in August, Human Rights Watch says.

A report by the US-based group says the deaths occurred in villages inhabited predominantly by members of President Bashar al-Assad's minority Alawite sect near the coastal city of Latakia.It said the findings "strongly suggest" crimes against humanity were committed.

‘Entire families targeted'

Human Rights Watch says it conducted an on-site investigation in September and interviewed more than 30 people, including survivors and combatants on both sides.

We are going to stop right there!       It took HRW until September to conduct an investigation?  Why?  September, when? Why did HRW wait until after the alleged chemical attack in Ghouta to conduct an investigation for the earlier attack near Latakia? Shouldn't HRW have been on the job immediately? Or did HRW conduct their investigation only  After Mother Agnes released her very credible report about the events surrounding Ghouta in the second week of September/13?It seems quite likely!

BBC: “Its (HRW) 105-page report says that in the early hours of 4 August fighters from several different rebel groups attacked and overran army positions in the Sheikh Nabhan area of the Latakia countryside. A soldier told HRW that about 30 of his comrades were killed in the assault.The rebels then entered the Alawite villages of Barouda, Nbeiteh, al-Hamboushieh, Blouta, Abu Makkeh, Beyt Shakouhi, Aramo, Bremseh, Esterbeh, Obeen, and Kharata.

"Eight survivors and witnesses described how opposition forces executed residents and opened fire on civilians, sometimes killing or attempting to kill entire families who were either in their homes unarmed or fleeing from the attack, and at other times killing adult male family members, and holding the female relatives and children hostage," the report says.The report names 190 civilians killed by the rebels, including at least 57 women, 18 children and 14 elderly men. The total number of dead is likely higher because many residents remained missing and bodies were buried in mass graves, it adds.“Opposition sources say the women and children taken hostage in the attack are still being held.”

We are going to stop reading from the BBC article again!Can we believe the opposition forces when they say 'women and children are still alive?  They are the perpetrators of this mass killing, wouldn't they have a vested interest in making this type of claim? Is it sensible to believe that the women and children taken hostage over two months ago are still alive?! Still being held?  All this time later? It is not sensible.

BBC :“ Relatives said many appeared in the background of a video published online”

What relatives? When did the relatives say this? On what date?HRW includes a link to the video below as validation of alive hostages  The video was put up on Youtube August 15/2013. And HRW is suggesting to us via it's report that this is somehow proof that the kidnapped are alive?! Absurd! This is a two month old video. This cannot indicate to us that the kidnapped are indeed still  alive in October!Therefore,  the statement made in the BBC article that ‘residents claimed their relatives appeared in this video'  is intentionally misleading. And the inclusion of this video in the HRW report is also intentionally misleadingWe do not know which residents or when residents made this statement. Or if this is being claimed to bolster rebel statements. We cannot assume children in video footage from two months ago are still alive. They could have been sold to rich Saudi scum. Been killed and had their organs harvested. Or been used for war porn in the propaganda campaign for that false flag in Ghouta !IMPORTANT QUESTION: Are  HRW and the NATO media finally acknowledging this slaughter took place in order to deflect or spin attention away from the fact that the missing children were identified by their relatives as dead in the videos presented by Obama, Kerry and all the others liars in charge as being victims in the alleged chemical attack in Ghouta.??Are BBC & HRW leading  the audience  to the conclusion, that these persons/hostages are alive? Contradicting both the research by Mother Agnes  and the Syrian families that identified their family members as the deceased presented at Ghouta?   I suspect this obfuscation of facts is exactly what HRW is attempting to pull off with this latest report

BBC: “HRW says about 20 opposition groups took part in the offensive and that five were involved in the attacks on civilians - the al-Nusra Front, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), Jaysh al-Muhajirin wa al-Ansar, Ahrar al-Sham and Suqour al-Izz”
BBC:“None are affiliated to the Western-backed Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army, though SMC chief Gen Salim Idris did say at the time that fighters under his command participated in the assault.”

More spin. I cannot believe the BBC would publish such nonsense! Oh, never mind. I can.Let’s reread the claims of Gen Salim Idris.

BBC “None are affiliated to the Western-backed Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army, though SMC chief Gen Salim Idris did say at the time that fighters under his command participated in the assault.”

It’s cognitive dissonance in one sentence!1- ‘None are affiliated to the Western-backed Supreme Military Council of the Free Syrian Army”2- though SMC chief Gen Salim Idris did say at the time that fighters under his command participated in the assault.”                So, fighters under his command did indeed participate in this assault! Which means these fighter/killers are affiliated with the Western backed Supreme Military Council!!  So how is it that the BBC can actually publish without question the statement made by Gen Idris. He commands the fighters who killed innocent civilians in these villages. Therefore he either commanded them to undertake these killings or he is not commanding a dam thing!

BBC: The HRW report says ISIS and Jaysh al-Muhajirin are holding the hostages.

The government launched an offensive to retake the Sheikh Nabhan area on 5 August, ultimately regaining full control on 18 August.

'Co-ordinated, planned attack'

Joe Stork, acting Middle East director at HRW, said the abuses were "not the actions of rogue fighters"."This operation was a co-ordinated, planned attack on the civilian population in these Alawite villages," he said.           

Of course it was! Most likely the Western Backed Idris and his WESTERN BACKERS!

BBC: The report says evidence including witness statements and a review of hospital records showed rebels executed or unlawfully killed at least 67 of the 190 dead civilians who were identified. For the remainder, further investigations are required.A doctor at a hospital in Latakia said several of the bodies had multiple gunshot wounds, stab wounds or had been decapitated. Some were burnt or had their feet bound, he added.The report says the high civilian death toll and the nature of the recorded wounds "indicate that opposition forces either intentionally or indiscriminately killed most of the remaining victims"."The evidence strongly suggests that the killings, hostage taking, and other abuses committed by opposition forces on and after August 4 rise to the level of crimes against humanity."                                                HRW says Islamist rebel groups - which include foreign fighters - are financed by individuals in Kuwait and the Gulf.

And Saudi Arabia. With the help of Israel.Another article via translate