House Democrats Continue A Decade-Long Quest For Mind-Boggling Mediocrity-- Where Party Unity Is A One Way Street

The nexus of Democratic Party evil-- their way or the highwayThe incompetence and venality of a DCCC run by corrupt conservatives-- particularly Rahm Emanuel and Steve Israel, the former a New Dem and the latter a Blue Dog-- has led to overwhelming Republican victories in the House, including in bright blue districts where Obama won in 2008 and/or 2012. There aren't just Republican incumbents in swing districts, there are now Republican incumbents sitting in heavily Democratic districts where only an utterly incompetent DCCC, determined to elect corrupt conservatives to Congress could lose-- like NY-24 (Syracuse, where Obama won with 57%), IA-01 (northeast Iowa, where Obama won with 58%), NV-04 (North Las Vegas, where Obama won with 56%), and CA-21 (Central Valley, where Obama won with 55%). Another Obama district, NY-19, the Upper Hudson Valley and the Catskills, where Obama beat McCain 53-44% and then beat Romney 52-47%, has a retiring Republican congressman, Chris Gibson, is being studiously ignored by Pelosi and her horrible DCCC, basically because the likely Democratic nominee will be the kind of reformer the corrupt DC politicians fear and loath: Zephyr Teachout, whose campaign includes a call for driving the kind of big money that has given power to Pelosi, Israel, Emanuel, Wasserman Schultz, Hoyer and the rest of them, out of politics entirely.Yesterday Democratic Party hacks like Biden, Denny Heck (New Dem-WA) and Pelosi were claiming, once again, that if grassroots Democrats just send their money to the DCCC, they can win back the 30 seats they need to take back the House-- a complete and calculated lie. The DCCC hasn't recruited enough plausible candidates in winnable districts to win backk the House, even in an anti-Trump tsunami year. The DCCC has been too busy opposing progressives and trying to slip their easily-corruptible Republican-lite candidates into nominations-- and when progressives have beaten their conservative candidates, the DCCC just writes off the district, packs up their tents and sashays back to that fetid den of iniquity at 430 S. Capitol St. in Washington.Example: PA-07 in Southeast Pennsylvania was acknowledged by the DCCC as a "must win" district if they were to have any chance of winning back the House. The local Democratic Party club and organization unanimously wanted progressive activist Mary Ellen Balchunis from the Elizabeth Warren wing of the party. The DCCC jumped into action and added some random guy to their Red-to-Blue program and did everything they could to sabotage Mary Ellen's campaign, Lujan and Israel telling donors to not give her any money-- which they didn't. So the random DCCC guy (Bill Golderer) spent $239,391 to Mary Ellen's spent $45,541. But she beat him in a landslide-- 51,525 (73.8%) to 18,276 (26.2%). Instead of coming together and backing Mary Ellen, Nancy "When Women Win America Wins" Pelosi immediately wrote off the district and abandoned it to crackpot Republican Pat Meehan.The Establishment Democrats in DC feel that if Hillary wins the nomination progressives will come around and back her. Why shouldn't they behave exactly the way Pelosi and the DCCC are behaving instead and say go screw yourself after the nomination is official, which is what the DCCC is doing in district after district around the country.This morning Zephyr Teachout told us that she sensed that "the techtonic plates in American politics are shifting-- there are real dangers if we go the wrong direction, but the shake-up also creates an opening. It is critical time to elect new Congressmembers and down-ballot candidates across the country who are totally committed to greater political equality, economic fairness, and 100% renewable energy. Even more important is a proven willingness to stand up to power-- the only way we are going to get out of the over-reach of billionaires and a few big companies is if millions of people stand up, organize, go door-to-door and vote, not just for the Presidential campaign, but as part of a national campaign to revive democracy and replace corrupt systems with fair ones." Amen! I'd like to send that to Nancy Pelosi-- or chisel into onto the portal of the DCCC building.The DCCC hasn't endorsed Zephyr Teachout or Mary Ellen Balchunis and they are actively doing they can to undermine SocialSecurityWorkers founder Eric Kingson in Syracuse, NY. Remember that when they come sucking around about party unity. And, if you can, please consider contributing to Mary Ellen Balchunis, Zephyr Teachout and Eric Kingson by clicking on the thermometer.