Hours after swearing in, Temer arrives in China

This is Temer’s first official visit to the G20 or with BRICS members since he became president [Xinhua]
Just days after he took over from his predecessor to serve the rest of her mandate as president, Michel Temer arrived in Hangzhou, capital city of east China’s Zhejiang Province ahead of a pivotal G20 summit there.
Shortly after his arrival, Temer met with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping who pressed the Brazilian to strength the two country’s strategic partnership to new heights.
Xi said that China and Brazil should maintain high-level interactions to bolster industrial, economic and trade cooperation.
Brazil and China are both partners in BRICS, a vital framework to strengthen multilateral cooperation in global governance, international sustainable development and agreement on climate change treaties, said Xi.
Xi is currently receiving heads of state from the G20 countries as well as from the invited participants, including Chad, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Laos, Senegal, Singapore, Spain and Thailand.
The G20 summit kicks off on September 4.
“We should strive to build an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive global economy and explore new ways to drive development and structural reform,injecting impetus into the growth of individual countries and energizing the global economy,” Xi previously said of the impetus for the summit.
For his part, Temer said that he valued Brazil’s relationship with China and the strengthening of strategic ties.
On the eve of his departure for China, Temer was sworn in as president after the Brazilian Congress voted 61 to 20 to impeach Dilma Rousseff.
The BRICS Post with inputs from Agencies