The Horrific And Very Secretive Trans Pacific Partnership "Agreement".... FULL Text Of Entire Agreement For All To See!

I will make this article short and sweet... I have been waiting for the last month for the full text of the entire "Trans Pacific Partnership" TPP Agreement for everyone to view for themselves... And thanks to the transparency of the New Zealand government, I have the link to that full text right here for all to see for themselves: NTS Note:  Read it and weep everyone... This deal is an abomination and definitely a freedom stripping agreement that will indeed make major corporations the lords and masters over the nations that are stupid enough to sign on the dotted line...Yes, I again have to ask everyone the basic question... If this agreement was so "great" as the liars in our own governments and our media continue to promote.... Then WHY the secrecy?  And why have the signature nations held back the details about this agreement until AFTER they put their signatures on the documentation?  Obviously they all are in cahoots and definitely have something to hide...Take the information provided from that link and copy it for yourselves.. .I can guarantee the criminals that run our governments will now try desperately to have the full details as shown removed from the internet....The bottom line again is that this "TPP agreement" is an abomination and a travesty for the nations that are actually stupid enough to sign on board.... Now the real truth can be seen by all and it is my hope that people take the appropriate action against their governments for signing onto this "agreement"...More to comeNTS