Hollywood's Military Spook Intelligence Apparatus & It's Insidious Influence

Insidious: waiting to entrap: harmful but enticing  - developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparentBackground for two upcoming posts. Though I expect most who visit here are aware of Hollywood's influence in everythingAre your beliefs and ideas really your own? I comfortable stating, mine are.  How about you?The video below is very introductory but it gets the idea across Hollywood. Where the unreal is made real. An industry that exists to make money while shaping your real world beliefs. All aided by intelligence agencies of course. Telling you what to think,  what to believe, made possible when one fails to exercise critical thinking faculties.Let's start out with an article from the Atlantic Operation Tinseltown: How the CIA manipulates Hollywood

The CIA has a long history of “spooking the news,” dating back to its earliest days when the legendary spymaster Allen Dulles and his top staff drank and dined regularly with the press elite of New York and Washington, and the agency boasted hundreds of U.S. and foreign journalists as paid and unpaid assets.

The intelligence empire’s efforts to manufacture the truth and mold public opinion are more vast and varied than ever before. One of its foremost assets? Hollywood.

The agency has established a very active spin machine in the heart of the entertainment capital, which works strenuously to make sure the cloak-and-dagger world is presented in heroic terms.

 Ever since its inception in 1947, the CIA has been covertly working with Hollywood.

But it wasn’t until the mid-1990s that the agency formally hired an entertainment industry liaison and began openly courting favorable treatment in films and television.

During the Clinton presidency, the CIA took its Hollywood strategy to a new level—trying to take more control of its own mythmaking. In 1996, the CIA hired one of its veteran clandestine officers, Chase Brandon, to work directly with Hollywood studios and production companies to upgrade its image.

 There are many books on the subject as well:The CIA in Hollywood: How the Agency Shapes Film and TelevisionOperation Hollywood: How the Pentagon Shapes and Censors the MoviesOne I've recently read and very much enjoyed Esoteric Hollywood:: Sex, Cults and Symbols in FilmWhich addresses the connections between the intelligence agencies and their celluloid assetsPearse Redmond has done an entire series on the subject

The CIA and Hollywood

 The scale of influence , globally, the CIA & Pentagon have via Hollywood and other media, including social media, is vast. It's a very effective tool because most consumers merely take in without question that which is presented via these mediums.Think about that as you view any given  form of media. Theatrical- home video or television, social media, what ever?  What's the message."The medium is the message"Marshall McLuhanLike this definition "McLuhan also tells us that a "message" is, "the change of scale or pace or pattern" that a new invention or innovation, i.e. a medium introduces into human affairs. Thus the message of a newscast is not the news stories themselves, but a change in the public attitude towards a subject of the news or the creation of a climate of fear as a result of the news. A McLuhan message always tells us to look beyond the obvious and seek the non-obvious changes or effects that are enabled, enhanced, accelerated or extended by the new thing"  From yesterday- Because SAA is the most effective fighting force against ISIS

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