Hollywood actor James Woods says Imran Awan-Wasserman Schultz scandal, “impossible to ignore”

Hollywood conservative actor James Woods tweeted out a post from The Gateway Pundit about the Awan Brothers and their connection to former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz…and ultimately the Clinton crime family.
Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer doubled down on his claim that the Pakistani IT staffers were sending sensitive intelligence information to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Awan brothers are also thought to have amassed a treasure trove of compromising information on the DNC, and many Democrat Congressional members, netting the IT Specialists lucrative hush money pay offs.
James Woods tweeted what the mainstream media is failing to report…

“This is impossible to ignore.”

This is impossible to ignore. https://t.co/VZJFduVkLS
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) July 30, 2017

Via The Gateway Pundit

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer thanked Woods for tweeting The Gateway Pundit’s story. “Hey, @RealJamesWoods – thank you for getting the word out! This is as bad as it gets regarding the compromise of real national security info,” tweeted the former intelligence officer.
In his tweet to Woods, Lt. Col. Shaffer doubled down on his explosive claim that the Awan brothers sent sensitive intel to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hey, @RealJamesWoods – thank you for getting the word out! This is as bad as it gets regarding the compromise of real national security info
— Tony Shaffer (@T_S_P_O_O_K_Y) July 30, 2017

Last week The Duran reported on Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer’s appearance on Tucker Carlson Tonight, hosted by Laura Ingraham, where Shaffer reveals how the Pakistani IT staffers were sending sensitive information to the Muslim Brotherhood.

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