Holiday Open Thread

by James Corbett
January 2, 2015
It may be the holidays, but the news world order never sleeps. 2014 ended with the first spectacular false flag cyber attack and another Malaysian plane disaster. 2015 is beginning with more “war on terror” events in Madrid even as the now-forgotten CIA torture report confirms there is no real evidence linking “Al Qaeda” to 9/11.
But who wants to discuss news during the holidays? This is the time for reflection on the year that past and predictions for the year ahead. It’s also a time for New Year’s resolutions, although you might want to read Anthony Gucciardi’s excellent new article on the subject before confessing yours. Or maybe you just want to wish the community well in the spirit of the season.
Whatever the case, Corbett Report members are encouraged to make use of the holiday down time by sharing their thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.
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