Hoax Busters: Afternoon Commute with Jose Barrera

Gallier had touched on the idea that the enlightenment was anything but enlightening and had more to do with the usual control/oppression elite agenda.

gallier2November 3, 2015 at 6:08 AMVoltaire and the enlightenment mouvement was mainly to introduce (economic) liberalism in the french society. The rioting that utimately lead to the Revolution started in fact when the physiocrats (Turgot) managed to get Louis XVI to adopt liberalisation of the wheat market. Here some typical citations of Voltaire that the enlightened do not cite that often:“Il est à propos que le peuple soit guidé, et non pas qu’il soit instruit; il n’est pas digne de l’être”"It is relevant that the common be guided, and not that he be instructed; he is not worthy of it" “Quand la populace se mêle de raisonner, tout est perdu”"When the mob mixes to reason, all is lost"“L'esprit d'une nation réside toujours dans le petit nombre qui fait travailler le grand, est nourri par lui, et le gouverne.""The spirit of a nation still resides in that the small number makes the great (number) work, is nourished by it, and does govern it."Enlightenment in general and Voltaire especially is Elitist to the core.

 I've heard Jose Barrera discuss a range of ideas around this very topic- One of them is linked below. It's a long discussion, covers quite a bit of ground and does wander a bit. That all said I enjoyed it a great deal. Covering the 'cult of reason'. Give it a listen! See what you think? Especially Gallier and NMM- h/t HoaxBusters  Jose Barrera

Posted: Tue, 06 Oct 2015 16:30:00 -0400

Play NowJohn and Myself(Chris) engage in another excellent discussion with returning guest, Jose Barrera. Topics include: Cult of Reason,Scientism, Law, Reification, the Daemon, the Golem, Totems, Talismans, the Money System, Nations are Fictions, Darwinism,Dr. Schwitzgebel's Machine, The Company Man, Robot Economy, Mercantilism,Magic.Long time readers here may recall Jose's excellent presentation:

Encore Presentation “Supernatural: Magic and Spelling as Mind Control”