Is Hillary "Killary" Clinton Dead? Killary Did NOT Appear At North Carolina Rally As We Were Told! Something Is Amiss......

I am not one for conjectures or speculation simply because I always try to post up material here at this blog with articles that are backed up with facts and strong evidence... AND from what I have been reading over the last few days, and yes I have been carefully pouring over so much material, there is definitely something terribly wrong with what the Democratic Party in the United States is trying to do to the American people in regards to their candidate for President, Hillary "Killary" Rodham Clinton.....Yes, we are ALL aware by now about how "Killary" had that shocking episode on the 15th anniversary of the Israeli Mossad attacks on America, aka "9-11" in New York City on September 11th.... We all watched as the demonic psychotic witch took a strange tumble and appeared to be absolutely limp and almost lifeless as her "handlers" basically threw her into the back of a van.... It was indeed disgusting to behold and pointed directly to this witch having terrible health issues....But what has been even more disgusting is how the liars in the Jew spew media and even Killary's own handlers have dismissed this episode,by first claiming that Killary "fainted" due to the heat of the day (Temperature in NYC at the time of this episode was approximately 25C or 77F).     Later, they tried to pass it off as her being sick with a wide variety of illnesses, and they eventually settled on her having a bout of Pneumonia.... And of course the shockers continued where later on that very day, "Killary" suddenly appears fit and perfectly fine waving to onlookers outside of what was supposed to be her daughter Chelsea's "apartment" in New York City...But very strong evidence has come forward that shows conclusively that the person waving to the crowd in that photo-op was absolutely NOT "Killary" but a double... The facts are that the person waving to the crowd is much lighter, a bit shorter, and also fairer-skinned than Killary!   Therefore, everyone has begun to scratch their heads and wonder what the hell the Democrats are trying to pull here, and the bigger question should be.. "Where the hell is the real Killary?"To show here that there is seriously something amiss in regards to the real "Killary" Clinton, I want to present the following video that came my way today that clearly shows that the "rally" that the Democratic Party held just the other day in Greensboro North Carolina was done with carefully conducted CGI and other methods of fakery...For the evidence is clear in this video that Killary Clinton was absolutely NOT present at that rally, much like she was NOT present in Reno either almost a month ago as well!   I want my readers to look at this video here first, and judge for themselves:OK, Next I want to present a most interesting article from Jim Stone at, that summarizes the usage of fakery at that North Carolina rally, and clearly shows that not only was she not there, but leads to the speculation that Killary herself is very sick indeed.  Here is that article:September 16 2016BLOCKBUSTER: HILLARY DID NOT APPEAR IN NORTH CAROLINA

She is a CGI generated image, and the CGI glitched repeatedly. In the video these frames were pulled from, Hillary, (AND ONLY HILLARY) glitches repeatedly while the rest of the screen stays clear. In two frames out of the video the glitches are so bad she vanishes entirely in one, and almost completely vanishes in another.  This can only happen if she is a CGI drop in. FACT: Hillary is DEAD or IN PRISON. Take a look at this:

UPDATE: There are hecklers shouting F* Hillary. That does not matter, it only means a think tank figured that would make this more "real".THIS IS THE END OF THE AMERICAN ELECTORAL PROCESS IF "THEY" GET AWAY WITH IT, WE CANNOT HAVE A CGI PRESIDENT, ARCHIVE AND POST!Now, I am not into wild speculations again, but I will include the following bit from the Rense online website, at, that pushes forward the interesting notion that Killary is indeed dying of "Sepsis Encephalopathy" in a secret medical facility....  Here is that article here: Notes:  Yes, this Rense article may be speculative and with an "unverified" source, but it does make one stop and wonder..... And considering how much the Jew spew media continues to lie about what exactly is wrong with their "star" candidate, I would trust Jeff Rense's article over anything they spew by a long shot....The bottom line in all this is the fact that the American public is once again being lied to about the status of Hillary "Killary" Clinton... The usage of "body doubles" is bad enough for the deception, but to continue the charade by using CGI and other video means of fakery for her "rallies" is beyond terrible and a terrible act of criminal deception on the American nation...I personally have been leaning for days on the notion that Killary is in fact severely sick and is in fact incapable of ever becoming the next President... This would account for the facts that the Democrats are indeed scrambling to find a suitable replacement for this witch.....As far as I am concerned and considering how much these bastards have already lied and have been deceitful, it would be in America's best interest that no matter who they put in to replace Killary that the Democrats get soundly beaten in November for their crimes of deceit and lies against America...Is Hillary "Killary" Clinton dead?   That is the Trillion dollar question, and we are looking for answers..More to comeNTS*Yes, I did see the ABC news report that came out the evening of September 11th, 2016 that "falsely" reported that Killary was dead... There is something very amiss indeed when this news outlet was handed that news to be their top story and then suddenly had it yanked.... And notice that any further reports of this ABC news report have also "disappeared" (Much like Killary herself!)