High Impact Flix Interview – Censorship, Domestic Terrorism & Technocracy

Welcome to the TLAV Rokfin exclusive series. Joining me today is Brian Young from High Impact Flix, here to discuss the censorship he has once again endured recently, and the world that is being built behind that curtain of governmental control.  Link: https://rokfin.com/stream/3734/High-Impact-Flix-Interview–Censorship-Domestic-Terrorism–Technocracy Or click below: Source Links: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7KZFVVnKjiCzkxWD-Qrakg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgtL-GeK33H_VLosTEk3Hyw https://twitter.com/HighImpactFlix Bitcoin Donations Are Appreciated: Read More...
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