Here We Go Again With More Fraud ISIS Bullshit: Jordanian Pilot "Burned To Death" In Latest Video Brought To You By Jewish Run SITE Group!

I wondered when the criminals behind the very fraudulent "ISIS" or "Daesh" or "ISIL" or what ever phoney name they will come up with next, would try something new when it comes to killing their supposed hostages..... We saw countless videos produced by that Rita Katz run SITE group where the "ISIS" victims were "beheaded" and each one has proven to be disgustingly laughable frauds....  Only very gullible and very stupid people would ever believe them to be real!Failing miserably with the "beheading" scam videos, the Jewish run SITE group definitely had to try something new and more terrible to again scare the gullible masses, and now they have indeed tried a more sinister approach.... For according to the following report from the Jew spew New York Times website, at, the phoney and laughable CIA/Mossad "ISIS" group just went and produced a brand spanking new (SITE produced of course) video where they  killed their Jordanian Pilot that they have supposedly held hostage for the last few weeks, by burning him to death!Right here, I want to present the link to that New York Times propaganda piece of crap article here for everyone to see for themselves, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  I have been scouring over the Internet and especially over You (Jew) tube, for any videos of this fraudulent burning of this Jordanian pilot, and of course the criminals are indeed covering their tracks very well to make sure nobody closely examines the video to find it to be a fraud... As of now that full video is not available.. Imagine my shock!But of course we have this still image of the burning of this Jordanian pilot for everyone to look at closely... Here is that picture to look at right here: OK, I examined the picture here and there are so many things wrong... One is of course the fact that this Jordanian pilot absolutely stands still while the flames engulf him!  If I was in that cage I would be moving to the edge to try to avoid the flames.. I would not stand perfectly still like an idiot!Second... The flames on the ground are producing a lot of black smoke,usually meaning the fire is either oxygen depleted, or fire is about to go out.. BUT the flames engulfing the pilot shows no black smoke at all!  An impossibility, unless this picture is doctored, which I would not put past the criminals that produced this bullshit to do.....I will leave it up to readers to look closely at this image, and come up with more evidence of the fraud....My comment section is open, and I will update this article with more evidence of the fraud as it comes forward....And if anyone does have the link to the actual video of this phoney burning, please send me that link in my comment section... What we have here is a very good and very phoney job of photo editing and the magic of video production that is common in movie studios for showing a person burning, while he absolutely is not....  But of course, we figured by this time the criminal SITE group that makes this piece of garbage would have got better at making their bullshit videos... Hell, they had years to master it so well with their phoney Osama bin Laden videos!People need to wake up and realize that we are being conned again by the criminals in our own governments that want to use this propaganda bullshit to scare gullible people into supporting the fraud "war on ISIS" as well as be suckered into giving up their freedoms for the fraud of "security"..... Do NOT be fooled!More to comeNTS*Update February 3,2015:  Thank goodness for the Dutch... The video is enclosed here: Watch it before the criminals attempt to delete it... But be warned, for in spite of its fraudulence, it is a bit graphic...