Here We Go Again: The Foley Hoax Beheading Was Bad Enough, But Now They Are Trying The Same BS With Steven Sotloff

I am truly amazed these days about the absolutely ridiculous bull crap that our Jew spew media and the liars in our own government continue to promote and push on their unsuspecting and gullible citizens....We are constantly bombarded over the "idiot box" (TalmudVision) with reports about the newest and greatest "terrorist" group known by the laughably ridiculous moniker "ISIS".     It does seem that these ultra-criminals continue to push their agenda and laugh in our faces at the same time....It was bad enough last week when these criminals tried to push the absolutely ridiculous and laughable video showing the "beheading" of James Wright Foley which anyone with 1/2 a brain could see instantly to be a laughable hoax and an insult to everyones' intelligence.  However the liars in the Jew spew media pushed this video out to the gullible public and they decided to run with it... By the end of the week however, the international media had given up and admitted that it indeed was an elaborate hoax.... Funny thing is that the US Jew spew media continued to falsely promote it as "real" while the rest of the world was onto the reality of it being a hoax!   It figures though,  because the criminals that want the US to attack innocent nations do not want the American public to figure it out that they are being used as pawns....But these criminals will not stop trying.. For just 2 days ago, we got the report that another American was just "beheaded" by the Israeli run ISIS group!   It also appears that there is another "video" that shows another ISIS "terrorist" conducting the beheading!   I want to present the following report via Kenny's Sideshow, at, that contains the link to the best video coverage of this alleged "beheading" for all of my own readers to view and dissect... I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Steven Sotloff Beheading, SITE and Rita Katz Say 'It's Real'

The Mossad front SITE Intelligence Group, directed by Rita Katz, was quick to get the so-called beheading video of Steven Sotloff. Naturally they put their logo on it. As of this moment the video is available here. It can be downloaded with DownloadHelper in case it disappears.This one is virtually the same as the James Foley video with no blood from the 'cuts' and fade to black without showing anything and with a severed head laying on the body at the end.It's part 2 of the ISIS beheading Americans video series, part 3 to come.SITE is known for their poor fakes and an educated assumption is that their people staged and filmed it. Let us know what you think.NTS Notes:*I found the best link so far to the part in the SITE video that shows the actual "beheading" via Jim Stone's website, at That link is right here: OK, the Foley "beheading" was silly enough, but this is now beyond laughable...The same problems with the Foley "beheading" can be seen in this latest "Sotloff beheading" scam...(1) There is no blood at all when the "terrorist" does the initial cut to the head when there should be plenty...(2) They may have finally figured out to put "blood" all around the corpse in the final picture, but the "body" is again much the same as in the laughable Foley  "beheading" in that it appears to again be nothing more than a CPR dummy..(3) The "head" of Sotloff looks so phoney and appears just as with the Foley "beheading" to be a poor photoshopping job...(4) The "feet" at the end of the video of the "beheaded" victim are way too clean....At least they finally got the skin tone color for the dummy right this time... This is only the beginning of the list of problems with this fraud, and I suspect that readers will add to this list quickly  in their comments...The other MAJOR problem with this video is the fact that it was made by the SITE GROUP, which by now everyone should be aware is a Jewish propaganda machine run by that ultra snake in the grass Jewess, Rita Katz.  This group has been putting out so much bull crap over the last decade and by now everyone should be aware of their fraud, especially their work with the "Al Qaeda" laughable fraud videos.....This makes this video definitely a fake!I am calling this as I see it, and it is indeed another HOAX.... I do wonder when the people will finally take the liars in our media and our governments to task and demand that they stop such ridiculous propaganda....More to comeNTS