Here’s what Chinese really think of North Korea (VIDEO)

China’s official policy on North Korea is widely known. Beijing argues for North Korea to cease its weapons tests and argues for the US and its allies to cease testing weapons and conducting military drills in and around South Korea. Furthermore, China like Russia, is calling for direct talks between Washington and Pyongyang.
But what do ordinary Chinese think?
The group Asian Boss went to the streets of Beijing to ask mainly young but highly informed Chinese men and women what they thought about North Korea.
Most remarked that the economy and military power of North Korea is embarrassingly behind both China and the US but that the US is also at fault for provoking  North Korea. None of the people interviewed were particularly sympathetic to North Korea and its style of government, although most also felt that the possibility of war was a long way off.
Now watch Chinese men and women explain their views in their own words.

The post Here’s what Chinese really think of North Korea (VIDEO) appeared first on The Duran.
