Henry Kissinger: Through the Ukraine mirror Russia sees the regime change agenda

 And moreJust a bit more then 7 minutes and extremely informative

FZ: You know Putin well. You've met him more than any American. Do you think he’s watching what is happening in Ukraine and thinking, the West and the United States is doing this essentially as a way of surrounding Russia?

HK- "I think he thinks that this is a dress rehearsal for what we would like to do in Moscow. And so..."

FZ: Regime change?

HK: A regime change issue. And the fact that it's happening so close to the Sochi Games will make him even more suspicious. But Putin thinks that the dissolution of the Soviet Union was a great historical disaster. So, obviously, the largest part of this independence is Ukraine, with 50 million people, and he can't be indifferent.

The map. The map tells us so much.