Hell Hath Indeed Frozen Over (?): Alternative News Shill Alex Jones FINALLY Admits The Troublemakers Are The Zionist (Jews) !!!

Many who follow my work here know I have always had a major problem with the so called "Big Kahuna" in the alternative news, Alex Jones himself... For years, I have asked everyone to be absolutely careful of this clown and his so called "Infowars" website.  This man has avoided calling the criminal Jews out, and has prefered to call the criminals the "German Death Cult", "The Luciferians", or his tried and true "New World Order"...  It has been sickening to hear his rants without any substance, and without fingering the real culprits responsible for our demise....But lo and behold, something amazing has indeed happened.... I found this video through Buelahman's excellent website, Buelahman's Revolt, at www.buelahman.wordpress.com, just this morning, and it does appear that Alex Jones has indeed finally come out and name the criminals, or so it seems.... I have that video here, and I will follow it up with my own thoughts and comments: NTS Notes:  I want to thank Buelahman for finding this excellent video.....The voice at the end of this video is indeed Ognir, who writes his own website, The Information Underground, at www.theinfounderground.com...... I do have one HUGE problem with what Alex Jones is saying in this video, however..... He is only going half way in my opinion in calling the criminals "Zionist Jews", when the criminals are ALL of the Jews themselves...I do believe that Alex Jones has finally had to admit that the Jews, even though he is only going half way by using the term "Zionists", are the problem.... This I do believe is due to the simple fact that he has been losing his audience because everyone has discovered that he is unwilling to name the true criminals.... That unwillingness is also due to the fact that his own wife is Jewish, and most of his handlers are Jews.....It does appear that Alex Jones' handlers have decided that to save Alex Jones as their shill, they have "allowed" him to come out and use the term "Zionists" as the term for the criminals and thus avoid calling out the true Jewish criminals directly....This is why I am warning my readers to still be very careful of Alex Jones and his cohorts.....I will admit that this is a step in the right direction for Mr. Alex Jones.... But again we must be careful because this step may be to save what little credibility he has left... Lets see where he goes with this and what direction his shows take from now on before we again jump on his bandwagon....More to comeNTS