Happy End Of The World Day!....NOT!

Yes... It is September 23rd, 2015... And according to many nutjobs out there, today is the day that the world is supposed to come to an end..I have seen all the reports about a "meteor" or "comet" that is supposed to hit this planet today... And or the reports about "Nibura" and/or "Planet X", and all I can do is laugh....Everyone has to understand that we have had this fear mongering of the "end of the world" for centuries... I remember reading years back for example about a failed researcher and "Buy-bull" believer that actually believed that the stones of  the Pyramid of Giza were foretelling the exact date that the world was going to come to an end... Yes, he gathered a group of followers and prepared themselves for the date that the end of the world was to occur and when that day arrived and passed, he quickly lost all of his credibility and of course his following!.... And of course we have in more recent times the Y2K fiasco where many predicted that computers would run amok exactly at 12am on January 1st, 2000 due to their internal clocks going haywire by the reset of their software for the date to "00".  And of course nothing happened....Yes, I have received a lot of comments and emails this last week asking me to look at all of the "end of the world" reports that have been flooding the alternative media.... I absolutely did not even bother with most of the material sent my way simply because I look at all of this "end of the world" fear mongering as being ludicrous and basically just as far fetched as those who believe the world is flat!   I decided years ago that I would not use this blog as a platform for such crud..... And of course have had many ask me to look at all this "Planet X" or "Niburu" stuff, especially their information that this mysterious object is coming .... Many of them claim that this "Niburu" was supposed to come near this planet on this very day and wreck untold destruction on our world......Well, I woke up this morning, got up to take a shower, ate some breakfast, read the morning piece of crud Jew spew newspaper for the sports reports and of course avoiding all of their BS propaganda, turned on the weather channel to get today's forecast, jumped in my vehicle to drive to work, and nothing has happened..... Lets face it... We have all seen all this fear of the "end of the world" happen again and again, and nothing has happened... The facts are that if the end of the world does happen it will be by our own hands through the ignorance and stupidity of our own governments... That or if we allow a certain 'religious' group of psychos to attain their want and lust for world domination and as a result our destruction....The bottom line is this... We are always going to have this "end of the world" crap coming our way and nothing will happen... Therefore, just take it in stride, continue to read the alternative news to gain more knowledge about the real enemy of mankind, and enjoy your day.....I personally have better things to do than become like "Chicken Little" and scream the "Sky is falling"!More to comeNTS*Important Update:  It is now September 24th and as usual NOTHING happened yesterday at all!  So for those "End of the World" nutters out there... Get a life!