Happy Canada Day To My Readers

I have been very busy today, celebrating Canada Day with family and friends... I just got in from a great party with lots of food and drink, and I figured I would send off this message to all of my Canadian readers....Yes, it is Canada Day... One hundred and forty-eight years ago, the British Imperial government in London England passed into law the creation of the "Dominion of Canada" with full self governance for the first 4 provinces of Canada, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia... The "nation" of Canada was officially born....Now 148 years later, the Canadian nation that used to pride itself on being one of the most free nations on the planet has turned into a full police state with the recent passage of the most heinous Bill C51 that allows the criminal federal government in Ottawa to legally spy on its own citizens, and could potentially arrest anyone they see fit under the fraud of being "terrorists".....  I myself could indeed fall under that catagory for my writings about the truth about the corruption of the Harper regime, and its love affair with psychotic Jews and their equally psychotic state of Israel...And we cannot forget about the Harper regime's recent atrocious antics towards the Russian Federation and their push for "sanctions" against Russia based on lies... The Harper regime has basically placed Canada on Russia's hit list if an insane war was ever declared by the lunatics in the US government, and the Rothschild's private military force called NATO, against the Russian Federation.....But in the meantime, happy 148th birthday, Canada... I for one truly hope that the people of this nation do take their nation back from the criminals that occupy Ottawa, put an end to the spying and repeal the heinous Bill C51, and truly turn this nation back into what it used to be proud of.. Being a true light for nations to emulate on this planet...More to comeNTS