Happy Canada Day To All My Canadian Readers

Today is Canada Day here in this once free and now fully Jewish occupied and controlled nation called Canada.Yes, some 147 years ago, the Dominion of Canada was officially born.... Initially this "dominion" was still very much part of the British Empire, and in spite of having elected representatives to a House of Commons in the new capital of Ottawa, it took some 64 years before the Empire became a "Commonwealth" in 1931, and still another 51 years, in 1982, before the official Constitution of this nation was introduced and thus "formally" (at least what most Canadians believe) took away power of the criminal British throne and placed the power of the Canadian state in the hands of Canadians....  However, what most Canadians do not know is that Canada is still officially British crown territory (some 90% of Canadian territory is still officially "crown land") and we still answer to that pedophile and mass murdering freak that sits on the British throne...Canada is still therefore a long way from being totally free of foreign control....So enjoy the day, my fellow Canadians, and reflect on the fact that we have a puppet regime in Ottawa right now that does not answer to the Canadian people at all, but has long pledged their undying allegiance to that criminally psychotic nation on the Mediterranean Sea, know as Israel..... Canada is now paying the price dearly on the world stage for its allegiance to that pure evil, and nations no longer see us as a peace loving nation, but a slave to Isra-Hell.....Canada has come a long way, and there is still my hope that most Canadians do wake up to the nightmare our federal government is creating, and hopefully they, like my friends in the United States, will put an end to the madness..... More to comeNTS