Happy 4th Of July To My American Friends And Readers... And A Reminder That America Is NO LONGER The Greatest Nation On Earth!

Yes today is the 4th of July in the once great United States of America.... It is called "Independence Day" but the truth be known is that the USA has never truly been independent or free... The Declaration Of Independence is to me still one of the greatest documents ever written, and Thomas Jefferson truly did want his new nation to be free of all tyranny and to be the true beacon of freedom for the entire planet... But we all know by now that the US has since that time in 1776 fallen under tyranny and is presently no longer a free nation at all......It is a truly sad statement to make, but everyone, especially those living in the United States do need a wake up call, and to realize that we all are nothing but slaves to criminal Jewish bankers and the so called "elite".....What has always troubled me is how much the average American has been brainwashed by their own media propaganda that they live in the most free and greatest nation on the planet..... For a straight answer about how America is absolutely no longer the greatest nation on Earth, I want to present a very startling video that comes from the television series "Newsroom", where actor Jeff Bridges lays it out clearly about how America has truly fallen.....  It is a definite must see for everyone, especially those living in the United States, and I have it right here for everyone to view for themselves... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: Many may say that the facts laid out by Bridges' character in this video are misleading, but the facts are that the ratings of the United States in the categories that he states has actually FALLEN since this video was released some two years ago....I truly do believe that America, and other nations as well, can again rise and have true freedom... But it does require people to stand for what is right and to do something about the criminals that are at present working overtime in their preparations for our outright enslavement...So again, Happy Independence Day, this 4th of July, America...... Stand up and fight for real freedom...More to comeNTS