Happy 4th Of July, America.... Welcome To Your Enslavement!

Yes, it is the 4th of July, and today is Independence Day for the United States of America.  I want to wish all of my American readers, and my friends south of the border, all the best and to have a happy holiday!But honestly... What is there to be happy about in the once great United States of America today?  When I look upon America now, I see an empire in steep decline, where poverty and destitution is now rampant in what used to be the greatest nation on the planet....America is a shadow of its former self, with a horrific private central banking system run by Jewish criminals that has basically crushed the very life out of the nation.   These criminals have forced the American public into a system of Usury debt that has the nation's TRUE national debt at around $200 TRILLION DOLLARS (a lot higher than the "reported" 17 Trillion owed to the Federal Reserve), that is now impossible to pay back.Then we have the crumbling infrastructure in America itself.   It is remarkable how badly the nation's roads, and bridges, alone have fallen into extreme decay, and are a danger to the American public to use.   America used to have a transportation system second to none, but now much of its road system is deteriorating to the point that states are no longer paving surfaces and have started reverting many roads back to gravel paths...But the real decay is in America's cities.... I need not even talk about the once proud city of Detroit Michigan which used to be the main hub of America's automobile industry.  Now Detroit, much like other US centers, is equivalent to a third world city, with high crime, crumbling infrastructure, and extreme poverty....Most Americans still have blind faith in their federal government in Washington.  But many are unwilling to accept, or just are blind to the reality, that their government is run by criminals who do NOT answer to the American public, but to a foreign nation, Israel, that cares little about America other than a source of money for its continued conquest of the Middle East.   Most Americans are unaware of the enslavement of their politicians to Jewish interests, and the nation is now paying dearly by creating enemies of most every other nation on Earth.And what about the US Government's lust for wars around the globe?   It is shocking to see the United States continue to promote itself as a global power by maintaining over 150 military bases and installations world wide, and continuing the rush to war against helpless nations, while it is rotting from the inside out domestically.    Trillions for wars, but little for the poverty and destitution at home?  Does anyone else see a problem with this?  And what about the ideas of Freedom and Liberty in America?   Other than pure propaganda still being spoon fed into the drugged up American public, there is no freedom or liberty at all.... The recent exposure of NSA spying on the American public was bad enough, but the constant propaganda of phony Terrorist Attacks and Mass Shootings across America has done its damage in convincing the American public to surrender their freedoms and liberties for "security".    The result is a nation full of fear and paranoia run by lunatics bent on the enslavement of the very people who "elected" them to power!Of course the enslavement of the American people could not have been done without the poisoning of the very food and water that they consume... I have already put up previous articles warning Americans to get off of Fluoridated water, and to avoid many of the poisons in their diets.   And I need not even go into detail about the poisoning of the American minds through the dangerous drugs and vaccines pumped into their bodies by the criminals behind the Pharmaceutical industries... The result is a public that have been turned into mutton chomping sheep and zombies that are powerless to stop their own demise....The way forward for America should be obvious... Quit the constant push for wars for the criminal state of Israel, end the crushing debt immediately, pump money into fixing crumbling infrastructure at home, stop off-shoring manufacturing to third world nations immediately, stop the drugging of the American people, and kick out all traitors in the US Government.... These are a start.   But will ANY of these fixes happen any time soon in America?Again, my friends in America, enjoy your barbeques, your fireworks ( at least in cities that they are still "allowed"), and any parties planned for this 4th of July to celebrate your Independence.... And at the same time, welcome to your enslavement....More to comeNTS