Hannity is preparing legal action against Obama and his “unmasking” enterprise

According to The Gateway Pundit, Fox News host Sean Hannity says he is prepared to sue the Obama administration if it is revealed he was subject to illegal NSA ‘unmasking.’
Sean Hannity reportedly had dinner with president Donald Trump at the White House back on July 26th.

Kimberly Guilfoyle, Anthony Scaramucci and former FOX News co-president Bill Shine joined Sean at the president’s dinner.
Monday morning Sean Hannity posted an ominous warning.
Something is going down…

Tick tock, tick tock……
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) August 7, 2017

Hannity followed up on his “tick tock” tweet, announcing that he has hired four of the countries best attorneys.

I hired 4 of the countries best attorneys. THE CONSTITUTION MATTERS!! https://t.co/AhK29bOfTm
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) August 8, 2017

Stay tuned. Need more Intel. https://t.co/b6FQJdi3IJ
— Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) August 8, 2017

Infowars reports…

Fox News host Sean Hannity has laid down a challenge that he will sue the Obama administration if it turns out he was under NSA surveillance and his name was “unmasked” either within the administration or to members of the press.
“I am going to sanction the biggest lawsuit that I possibly can with the biggest attorneys in the country so we can do something to stop the shredding of the Constitution,” Hannity said in a radio broadcast on Aug. 4, noting that he has on “pretty good authority” that he was under Obama administration NSA electronic surveillance and that the Obama administration “unmasked” his name.
On March 20, Infowars.com published records obtained from Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse that individual records of hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens were under National Security Agency (NSA) electronic surveillance in the years 2004 through 2010, in a database that suggests both Donald J. Trump and Alex Jones were under illegal, unauthorized government monitoring during those years.
Fox News reported on June 23 that Judicial Watch was unable to obtain records on Trump’s 2016 campaign team “unmasking” because all relevant NSA records have been transferred to President Obama’s yet-unopened presidential library and will not be available to the public for five years.
Disclosure of the names of U.S. citizens identified through the course of NSA electronic surveillance of foreign operatives under FISA-court authorization is a federal crime, regardless whether the “unmasking” involves disclosure within the government or to outside sources, including the press.

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