Guy de Maupassant: I do not understand how these murderers are tolerated walking on the public streets

Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts
Guy de Maupassant: Selections on war
Guy de Maupassant
From Bed No. 29
Translator unknown

When Captain Epivent passed in the street all the ladies turned to look at him. He was the true type of a handsome officer of huzzars. He was always on parade, always strutted a little and seemed preoccupied and proud of his leg, his figure, and his mustache…
“There’s a great dandy. When shall we stop feeding all these good-for-nothings who go dragging their tinware through the streets? For my part, I would rather be a butcher than a soldier. Then if there’s blood on my table, it is the blood of beasts, at least. And he is useful, is the butcher; and the knife he carries has not killed men. I do not understand how these murderers are tolerated walking on the public streets, carrying with them their instruments of death. It is necessary to have them, I suppose, but at least let them conceal themselves, and not dress up in masquerade, with their red breeches and blue coats. The executioner doesn’t dress himself up, does he?”
