Gunmen Kill Polio Vaccinator in Pakistan

Here in the USA we try to warn people of the dangers of Govt / Corporate Vaccines, and we are called CRAZY. If you resist a Vaccination, you could be FIRED! – In Pakistan…. They just shoot them. Just sayin…..
PESHAWAR, Pakistan — Pakistani police say gunmen attacked an anti-polio vaccination center in the country’s northwest and killed a medic on duty, then fled the scene.
Police official Raheem Khan says another technician was also wounded in Saturday’s attack on the outskirts of Peshawar, the capital of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.
The health facility is run by the party of cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan and authorities are using it to vaccinate children against polio.
No group claimed responsibility for the attack, but militants have killed several polio workers and police protecting them in recent months.
Pakistan is one of only three countries where the polio virus is still endemic. Militants oppose vaccination against polio and consider such campaigns a cover for spying. They also claim the vaccine is intended to make Muslim boys sterile.


98 million Americans were given polio vaccine contaminated with cancer-causing virus, admits CDC

Former Suffolk U. Professor Claims U.S. Plans to Sterilize ‘Women of the Entire World’
“In 1974, Henry Kissinger proposed a plan to President Ford… It was in the days of the Cold War, and they were fixated on the annihilation of Communism. They said: We can’t annihilate Communism, but we can annihilate the Communists. How? The more people there are in the world, the more Communists there are. So let us tackle the roots of the problem – if we kill the poor, there will be no Communists. This was the logic behind Kissinger’s plan of sterilizing the women of 13 countries in the world, including Egypt and Turkey.”

