Guess who has a job offer for former FBI director James Comey?

James Comey got the official ‘you’re fired’ from Donald Trump. Hours later, he got a new job offer from an interesting place.

WikiLeaks would be happy to consider hiring James Comey to help lead its DC office should he like to properly investigate the US government.
— Julian Assange (@JulianAssange) May 9, 2017

Julian Assange of Wikileaks offered the former FBI director a position at Wikileaks. The apparently tongue-in-cheek offer was further elaborated by Assange who insisted that Comey was highly qualified for a position at Wikileaks.

Mr. Comey knows where many bodies are buried. Working for WikiLeaks is fulfilling. James–don't become another lobbyist for Glock or Donkin.
— Julian Assange (@JulianAssange) May 10, 2017

Assange also explained that Comey’s former colleagues might themselves become ‘leakers’ in the aftermath of their boss being fired.

FBI source says the FBI will now start leaking leaking like Niagara. But please FBI friends full docs or you know the press will spin it!
— Julian Assange (@JulianAssange) May 9, 2017

Comey's firing will be an extraordinary boon for transparency as his loyalists leak and the admin counter-leaks. Will he run for 2020?
— Julian Assange (@JulianAssange) May 9, 2017

It is unlikely that James Comey will take up a position at Wikileaks nor run for POTUS in 2020. Assange is clearly trolling the former FBI director as only he can. But Assange wasn’t alone.
Edward Snowden took to Twitter to condemn what he called a ‘political’ firing of Comey.

This FBI Director has sought for years to jail me on account of my political activities. If I can oppose his firing, so can you.
— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) May 9, 2017

Set aside politics: every American should condemn such political interference in the Bureau's work.
— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) May 9, 2017

In all likelihood, Comey’s future will be filled with book deals, television appearances and other private sector work. The Snowden-Comey Defence Brigade or Director Comey of Washington’s Wikileaks office is far fetched, even by the strange standards of today’s United States.
The post Guess who has a job offer for former FBI director James Comey? appeared first on The Duran.
