GUAM: U.S., NATO Applaud Eastern Partnership Drive Into Former Soviet Space

Rustavi 2
November 30, 2013
US, NATO on Eastern Partnership Summit
The United States and the NATO have congratulated on Georgia and Moldova initialing the association agreements with EU.
“The United States congratulates Georgia and Moldova on their historic initialing of Association Agreements and Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements with the European Union at the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius on November 29″, the release by the U.S. Department of State says.
“The United States strongly supports the integration of Georgia and Moldova into the Euro-Atlantic community, which will spur greater economic opportunity, development and prosperity across the continent”, it says.
NATO Secretary General has also released a statement on the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius.
“I welcome the results of the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius. The Vilnius Summit is a defining moment in the European Union`s relationship with Eastern European partners.
“I congratulate Azerbaijan, Georgia and Moldova for making the sovereign choice to take important steps forward in their relations with the European Union with determination, courage and hard work.
Today’s agreements will further enhance reforms, trade, and people to people contacts. They represent a major contribution to freedom, stability, and prosperity in Europe. I welcome the forward looking agenda for the Eastern Partnership over the next two years, which will consolidate and develop the process of political association and economic integration. These are goals that NATO shares and supports through its own partnerships and security cooperation“, the statement says.
