The Greek Crisis: The Criminal Greek Government Surrenders To The Equally Criminal IMF And EU - My Take...

Honestly, I am not at all surprised by this criminal action by the spineless Syriza government in Athens, Greece in their complete lack of respect and dignity for the very citizens that had the guts to first elect them into power earlier this year, by their total and complete surrender to the Jewish scumbags and scoundrels that run both the IMF and the Rothschild controlled EU.....Yes, we all know by now that Alexis Tsipras went grovelling to Brussels, Belgium, and basically went back on his word to abide by the Greek referendum that called for Greece to tell the EU and IMF to take their odious debt and shove it up their collective asses... Tsipras instead went begging for the IMF to "bailout" Greece and thus surrendered the entire Greek nation to perpetual debt enslavement..... To me, this abomination of a government that has turned its back on its own citizens should resign immediately... That or the Greek people must now take the matter into their own hands and take to the streets in revolution to take their nation back from these scoundrels......It is not surprising that this has happened to Greece, for in reality it has been happening all over the planet now for decades... One of the best synopsis of how the IMF destroys nations comes in the following very short but to the point video where the "Economic Hitman", John Perkens, describes it perfectly as to how nations are destroyed by the IMF... Here is that short video for all to see for themselves right here: The "economic hitman" John Perkens absolutely hits the nail on the head when it comes to the criminal nature of governments taking over and destroying other nations.. We are watching that happen in the form of the criminal US government in its actions against innocent nations right now! I also was sent the following video that in spite of being a joke, actually shows how criminal deals are forced on people (and countries) and basically they have to take it with no choice at all to refuse it.... Here is that video that comes from an American cartoon show called "robot chicken" that is a must see by everyone: NTS Notes: That video may be hilarious, but it actually explains the Greek "deal" perfectly... Tsipras basically went to Brussels and totally surrendered the entire Greek nation and got nothing back in return... The IMF had the nerve to actually alter the original deal with one that is more draconian in nature, and the Greek government agreed with no concessions in return...OK, here is the truth about the so called "deal" that the Greek nation has succumbed to... There is actually NO deal... It is an outright surrender of the entire Greek nation to perpetual and actually ever increasing debt... The initial "bailout" offered by the Jew run IMF of some 86 Billion dollars is just a drop in the bucket, and in fact will be added to the existing odious debt of some $320 Billion dollars at INTEREST... Basically, it will increase the debt load on Greece outright that again will never be paid back...Another reality check... A few years from now, with Greece even MORE in debt to the IMF than they are now, I can guarantee the criminal Greek government will again go begging to the Jew run IMF for even MORE money in the form of another "bailout"..... The fact is that the Jewish criminal oligarchs and bankers behind the entire IMF (Including the ultra criminal Rothschilds themselves will help themselves to ALL of Greece's assets as "collateral" for the new "deal"... They will get Greece's infrastructure, its transportation and communication systems, its ports, its islands, and most everything else for basically NOTHING... Leaving the Greek people with perpetual debt and enslavement for eternity...Again, it is time now for the Greek people to rise up and throw out the Syriza government and refuse the newest IMF "deal"... NO nation should ever surrender the lives of their own people to enslavement to a debt that is very odious and actually not the responsibility of that nation's citizens to ever repay....And be warned.. For what is happening right now to Greece will eventually happen to other nations around the planet as well...More to comeNTS