GRAPHIC: California Cops Savagely Beat Teen For Recording Police, Caught in Massive Cover Up (UPDATED II)

Three California cops were caught on camera in a one-minute video (seen below) giving a 16-year old a devastating beating, cracking his legs with a baton and threatening the young man with a taser.
Three Pomona Police officers beat teenager Christian Aguilar into submission at the Los Angeles County Fair when he recorded them arresting his family.
Now the teenager and his family are suing six named cops and the Pomona Police Department, and the City of Pomona and Los Angeles County for a seven-part civil rights claim which you can see below.
His only crime: recording the police.
Then, Pomona Police officers arrested Robert Hansen, the man who recorded them beating the teenager too.
They illegally seized and searched Hanson’s phone.
And charged him with bogus offenses.
Finally, California cops tried to cover their tracks, and maliciously prosecuted everyone involved.
All charges were dropped against the teen, and his family.
After all of that hard work, the Pomona Police delivered a coup de main: they edited Robert Hanson’s video of the arrest of Christian Aguilar and gave the video to the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office.
All of the officers lied in their official reports too.
They only charged the teenager Aguilar with resisting arrest, which itself isn’t a crime if there is no criminal accusation against a person, and the Los Angeles Sheriff’s department kept him housed in the adult population despite his protestation of juvenile status.
“In the criminal trial, after watching the officers’ explanations of the discrepancies between the full video and their police reports unravel during cross examination,” says family lawyer David Gammill, of the Los Angeles based Geragos Law Firm, and that, “The judge dismissed Christian’s criminal case before the defense ever had to call a single witness.” 
The officers had just arrested his father Ignacio Aguilar Jr. and cousin, accusing them of public intoxication and Christian Ignacio decided to record the officers from 30 feet away.
Aguilar’s brother, Ignacio Aguilar IV, was also taken to the ground, and physically detained by the police for yelling as his family’s civil rights were violated one at a time.
Ignacio Aguilar IV was a junior officer at the Pomona Police Department at the time of the incident.
Luckily, another citizen – Robert Hanson, the “neutral third party” – whipped out their cellphone and recorded the entire shocking police brutality incident started by Pomona Officer Jensen.
As is clear in the video, Aguilar didn’t ever challenge the first officer on the scene’s use of inappropriate force, when Officer Jensen smashed his head into a fence  – instead putting his hands at his sides and thrusting his chin forward in a posture of frustrated readiness.
Officer Jensen thrust his forearm into Aguilar’s face twice at maximum thrust, before Pomona Officers Hutchinson and Correa arrived.
Hutchinson thoughtfully held the teenager along with Jensen, and that’s when Pomona Officer landed a devastating blow, with his long black baton to Christian Aguilar’s knee, sending the teenager to the ground.
As the three grown men beat the teenager, another Pomona Officer came over an discharged his taser near the teen to strike terror.
There’s no other reason to deploy a weapon in that manner.
Eventually, at least seven cops responded to the call.
Five of them hovered over the beaten Aguilar, as two kept a perimeter.
The video ends as a police officer asks Hanson for his name in a familiar scene, where police seek to claim that photography is somehow a crime enabling them to illegally demand identification.
Photography is not a crime, it’s a First Amendment protected right.
Surely, the taxpayers of Pomona will be forced to cough up big bucks, and we still haven’t seen a single officer named below in this lawsuit charged with any crime for beating a teenager, and arresting him for recording the police.
According to the Geragos firm, Ignacio Aguilar was a highly regarded cardiac nurse and was forced out of his job by the slanderous allegations. Christian Aguilar’s mother Eraine Aguilar has been in law enforcement since 2001 and was sickened by the conduct of Pomona PD.
The family lawyers claim that Eraine Aguilar was actually intimidated by Pomona PD when she wanted to complain, and Pomona PD told that Christian could not have a lawyer if he wanted to make a complaint when he was arrested.. 
But now, a federal court will settle the matter, and maybe, just maybe the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office will think twice about any evidence put forth by the rotten barrel California residents call the Pomona Police Department.
Because the Pomona police department crossed the line, from law enforcement to thugs.

Ed. Note: Updated with quotations and information provided by Aguilar family lawyer Ben Gammill. 2nd Update: Ignacio Aguilar IV was a junior officer at Pomona PD at the time of the incident
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