Governor of Vermont sued for Covid Protocols

Read more on this subject: LawsuitsFeature Article by Donna HancockHere are links to the Lawsuit Documents (PDF's):
1. Vermonter's Federal Suit PDF
2. Defendant's Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction PDF
3. Defendant's Motion to Dismiss PDF
4. Exhibit A PDF
5. Attachments to Amended Complaint PDF
Jim Hogue, one of the plaintiff's in the lawsuit, was on the Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock Radio Show on Tues Feb 2nd in Hour 1 and part of Hour 2 (mp3 will loaded later today after show is over):…
Jim Hogue is a former high school teacher of French, English and Acting.  He has performed in several independent films and on stage.
As an activist Jim wrote the bill (now VT statute) prohibiting electronic voting in Vermont. He is an advocate of public banking, vaccine choice and the US Constitution. TRead More or Make a Comment
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