The Global Warming/Climate Change Swindle: Outgoing Criminal Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, FAILED To Rein In Costly Science Hoax Of "Climate Change"!!

It does appear that everything is full steam ahead next month, as many of our nation's so called "leaders" gather together in Paris, France, to force the world into the swindle of fraud "carbon taxation" based on the falsehoods and lies of "Climate Change" aka.. "Global Warming".....In spite of my own best efforts, and the multitude of others that have worked their asses off, in trying to awaken most suckers..err.. people to the fraud of Global Warming or as they call it now "Climate Change", most are just too brain dead and brainwashed now to the point that they are willing to agree to the newest "accords" that will be passed into law in Paris, and as a result will fleece everyone of their hard earned money in the form of the fraud called "carbon taxes"......But I am also perturbed by the fact that the new incoming Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is just as big a fool as others and has been suckered or brainwashed into believing the fraud of Climate Change, and will put Canada's signature on these scam Carbon taxation accords!  It troubles me deeply that this government that was put into office basically to remove the last dictator, Stephen Harper, from power is so willing to sell out the Canadian people and is willing also to fleece the poor Canadian taxpayers of their hard earned income.... Honestly, is Justin Trudeau that stupid?  Or is he part of the Global control agenda?I came across the following article that I definitely want to share with my own readers here... For according to this article, from the Windsor Star website, out of Windsor Ontario Canada, at, it appears that Stephen Harper himself while as Prime Minister failed to rein in the costly Science hoax of "Climate Change" by refusing to do anything to stop the fraud of "Carbon Taxation"!   This is a must read article by everyone, and I have it right here for all to see for themselves... I do of course have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Harper failed to rein in costly science hoaxPublished on: October 29, 2015 | Last Updated: October 29, 2015 6:02 PM EDT  Conservative Leader Stephen Harper waves as he leaves the stage after addressing supporters at an election night gathering in Calgary, Alta., on Monday October 19, 2015. DARRYL DYCK / THE CANADIAN PRESS By Tom HarrisBefore first winning a minority government in 2006, then opposition leader Stephen Harper promised to get to the bottom of the climate file if he ever became prime minister. Neither he, nor most members of his party, believed that greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from human activities were causing a climate crisis, let alone worth spending billions of dollars trying to reduce. Emission reduction regulations were not necessary, they said. They were right.The Harper Conservatives vehemently opposed Prime Minster Paul Martin’s decision to add carbon dioxide (CO2) to the list of toxic substances in the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). CO2 is not toxic and so should not be included in a list that includes mercury, lead, arsenic, sulfuric acid and PCBs, they said. They were right on that too.In a 2002 fundraising letter, Harper called the United Nations climate process “a socialist scheme to suck money out of wealth-producing nations.” He couldn’t have put it better.But, somewhere along the road to power, everything changed.The Harper minority government not only left CO2 on the CEPA toxic substances list but used the listing as the legal foundation for costly and useless CO2 emission regulations.Despite withdrawing from the Kyoto Protocol at the last possible moment in 2011, Harper supported UN negotiations to “stop dangerous climate change.” The Conservative government even made GHG reduction pledges Canada had no chance of keeping without ruining the country.Harperites transferred billions of Canadian tax payer dollars to UN climate initiatives, $300 million to the Green Climate Fund alone earlier this year, for example. Like Mulroney, Chretien and Martin before him, Harper instructed his environment ministers to work with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to create new agreements, despite the fact that no treaty based on the UNFCCC can work since it includes an out clause for developing nations, the source of most emissions.Just like those he had criticized in opposition, Harper continued to support useless and potentially dangerous projects such as capturing and storing CO2 underground. And all government climate programs continued to focus only on possible warming impacts.Even after securing a majority government, Conservative MPs who were skeptical of dangerous human-caused warming were forced to keep their opinions to themselves. Just as it had under the Chretien/Martin Liberals, Environment Canada continued to pound out hopelessly biased global warming propaganda.So why did Harper embrace a process he so vehemently opposed while in opposition? The answer seems obvious: he and his advisors must have concluded that they had to play along with the climate scare until public opinion changed.That was a mistake.In a paper published in the journal Climatic Change, researchers at Drexel University, McGill University and Ohio State University showed that the stated positions of politicians and other elites in society is the major factor driving public opinion. The analysis, based on an examination of 74 separate surveys over a nine-year period, supported the 2009 conclusion of Harvard University’s Susan McDonald that “When elites have consensus, the public follows suit and the issue becomes mainstreamed.”The Drexel/McGill/Ohio State study showed that, when U.S. Republicans worked with Democrats in support of the global warming hypothesis, the public was far more supportive of this position.But, after the Republicans split with the Democrats on climate change in 2008, there was a sudden drop in number of people who “worried a great deal” about climate.Public support for the costly and impossible objective of “stopping climate change” remains higher in Canada than in the U.S. largely because the issue has all party support here, while it is polarized in America.Rather than leading Canada away from the most costly science hoax ever, Stephen Harper helped ensure it would continue. History may record this as his greatest failure.Tom Harris is Executive Director of the Ottawa-based International Climate Science Coalition. NTS Notes:  Yes, Stephen Harper could have ended the ensuing Carbon Taxation fraud on the Canadian people years ago because it seems his own people knew it was a hoax.. And again he did NOTHING to stop it....I do wonder if the real truth is that Stephen Harper's controllers made him turn a blind eye to the fraud of Climate Change, because the real crooks behind the swindle and their controllers wanted to make sure that their slave nations imposed their criminal taxation on the nation's suckers.... If someone has another angle to this, I am all ears...Lets face the facts again right here... There is NO man made "Global Warming" or "Climate Change" period... This planet that we all share goes through natural cycles of hot and cold climate that is driven entirely by the energy output of our Yellow Dwarf star, Sol (I have had many say that I should not call Sol a "Yellow Dwarf" star, but in all science writings, that is the primary term that is used...).... Sol is presently going through some changes and has actually had a diminishing amount of solar radiation output over the last few years... The result is less solar radiation hitting our planet, Earth, and naturally we will see a period of Global cooling.... But these cycles have been going on for billions of years, and sometime in the next few decades, Sol's output will increase again and our planet will warm again!  The facts are again that it does not matter how much "greenhouse" gases we as human beings pour into our atmosphere... They have a negligible effect on our climate due to the fact that the primary source of our climate is Sol itself....One other thing that I must repeat that I have said in so many previous articles.. Carbon Dioxide is absolutely NOT a "toxin" nor is it a so called "Greenhouse" gas, period.... I have challenged many over the years to show how CO2 that is actually a coolant has an adverse affect on our climate,when all indicators show clearly that CO2 levels have not ever had a direct effect on planetary warming...   The fact is that CO2 itself is a provider of life for the majority of organisms on our planet, our plant life, and under increasing CO2 levels in our atmosphere, plant life flourishes!The bottom line is simple... Our nations' "leaders" are about to go to Paris next month and will put their signatures to accords that are all a FRAUD based on a massive hoax.... The scam artists behind this fraud are all going to be making out like bandits laughing all the way to the bank.....And in the case of Canada, our outgoing Conservative government had a chance to end this fraud on the Canadian people and did nothing to stop the scam...... Now the incoming Liberals are all aboard the scam bandwagon, and we as Canadians will pay for it dearly for years to come in the form of fraud "Carbon taxes"....More to comeNTS