The Global Warming FRAUD: This Shows Proof That The Antarctic Ice Shelf Is Absolutely NOT "Melting" As The Liars Behind The Global Warming Fraud Constantly Scream

I am truly sick of all the Global Warming clowns by now.... Even now as I type this report, somewhere on one of the Jew spew media outlets, some "reporters" are pushing forward the complete and utter bullshit lies that the Arctic and Antarctic ice shelves are "melting" and we must adhere to new Global Warming guidelines (Carbon taxation) to stop the planet from warming and to stop this "melting"..... I on the other hand see through the sick game of "Global Warming" and see that it is nothing more than a scam to get people frightened into supporting the notion that they must gladly submit to more taxes in the form of "Carbon taxation" to save the planet from ourselves.... Right now I want to present a fabulous new video from Youtube user "Suspicious Observer" that presents the proof that the Antarctic Ice Shelf is absolutely NOT "melting" as the scam artists behind the Global Warming fraud continue to promote, and in fact has now reached a record extent and is still growing!   First here is that video, with the facts presented in the first 6 minutes of the video for all to see for themselves... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: Yes, the facts are there and very straight forward... The planet's ice caps are NOT melting and will NOT be melting any time soon...This planet is in fact entering a very long period of Global Cooling, and we can see the evidence clearly for ourselves by simply seeing the unseasonable cooling conditions right in our own neighbourhoods... Right here in Central Canada, for example, we have had below zero (Celcius) temperatures overnight, with reports of SNOW at higher latitudes..... That is astounding and again clearly shows that the trend for this year is towards cooler temperatures....Yes, the liars in the media are still pushing the melting ice caps lie, hoping that very few people that follow the lying Jew spew media will take the time to research and investigate the facts for themselves... Sadly, they are still in the majority and therefore our governments may yet pass their criminal and very fraudulent Carbon taxation legislations into law....Again, all of this fear mongering over "Global Warming" is nothing more than a fraud and a scam... As I stated many times, it is time that we take these hucksters behind the scam to task and put them out of their misery...More to comeNTS