The Global Warming AKA Climate Change Fraud: Important Video Shows How Global Warming Is A Crooked Business!

I try my best to cover a wide multitude of subjects at this blog... One of the most important subjects, in my honest opinion, is the exposure of one of the greatest scams concocted in the history of all mankind.. That is of course the fraud of man caused "Global Warming" also known as "Climate Change".....  I want to present here some further evidence that it is indeed a swindle and a fraud......I was sent the following video just a few days back by an observant reader who said "Hey NTS.. You missed this one, an it shows how Global Warming is a crooked business as well as a scam".... I figured I would do a bit of "catching up" therefore and present this very important Youtube video here for all of my own readers to view and assess for themselves... It is entitled: "The Global Warming Is A Business" and is about a documentary on this scam that was first released back in 2007 in the UK...  I have that video right here for all to see, and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  The facts presented here are pretty good... And yes, CO2 is as I have always said.. NOT A GREENHOUSE GAS, PERIOD!   CO2 is in fact and has always been a coolant, and is molecularly all wrong for planetary heating through the trapping of Infrared radiation.... CO2 level rise has never coincided with an increase in planetary temperatures.....And yes, this swindle and scam is indeed big business for those who are bound to make a fortune from the suckers out there that have fallen for this fraud...Lets not pull any punches here... The biggest con artist of them all, Al Gore, will indeed make a king's ransom in money if our governments are stupid enough to impose the con of "carbon taxation" on the citizens of both the US and Canada... This con artist does not give a damn about "saving the planet" at all, but in fact owns major shares in the ONLY companies in the United States that are able and prepared to count carbon credits if the US government falls for the Global Warming con.... Therefore Mr. Gore will in fact become an ultra billionaire overnight if the US Government is to somehow pass "carbon taxation" to rape and pillage the American people!I for one can see the reality of what is really happening on our planet right now... Our Sun, Sol, is in fact going through one of its natural cycles of cooling, and that downturn in global temperatures means that it will indeed be getting a bit cooler planet wide for the next decade at least... And there is some credence to the idea that this cooling cycle will be a bit colder than in previous cycles and we could be heading into what is called a "solar minimum"... The last solar minimum of major significance happened back several centuries ago and has been linked to what has been called a "mini ice age" and was noted to especially ravage Europe!And as I have said in many rants, the federal con artists under that crooked Justin Trudeau are about to impose "carbon taxes" on the Canadian people, and it has now been freely admitted by these hucksters that this new "tax" will indeed line federal coffers and be used not to "save the planet" but to finance government spending and waste.... I wish the Canadian people would stop being such suckers and stand up to the Trudeau regime and say NO to this carbon tax swindle...Yes, Global Warming is indeed big business.... And sadly too many people have been too heavily brainwashed now to not see how they are nothing more than SUCKERS....More to comeNTS