Global Green Luciferian Government

Jay's Analysis

The Club of Rome’s Fake Green Revolution.

By: Jay

Arguably the central concern of those favoring a corporate global centralized government (along with technology and energy) is the issue the climate and environment.  Both the environment and climate relate closely to energy, as some aspect of the environment will be the source of energy.  Whether it’s food or petroleum, all life revolves around energy and its control.  As I’ve written before, human action itself is also energetic, thus the idea of full spectrum dominance must naturally focus on the control of human energy and the natural resources that surround humanity.  Consider this ridiculous MTV ad that threatens some kind of amorphous doom if nothing is done in 36 days?

To the average reader and so-called academic, the indoctrination given from public education and higher academia is that the modern world has accidentally put itself in a bind due to limited resources and overpopulation.  The university system almost universally propagates the dogmatic worldview of limited energy and…
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