Global Bloc: Japanese Delegation Visits NATO Military Headquarters

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe

October 10, 2014

SHAPE, Belgium: A delegation of four high-ranking military officials from NATO Partner Japan visited SHAPE on Thursday, 9 October. Rear Admiral Hiroshi and his team provided SHAPE’s Military Partnership Delegation a briefing on Japan’s international military strategy. The delegation then headed for the CCOMC, SHAPE’s Crisis Management Centre, where they received complete explanations on how NATO analyses and assesses crisis situations.
Admiral Hiroshi raised important questions on NATO exercises and was particularly impressed by NATO’s quick implementation of Patriot missiles in Turkey. Most importantly, the Delegation stressed Japan’s willingness to strengthen its bonds with NATO by increasing Japan’s involvement in NATO exercises.
Although not a NATO Member, Japan has been a key partner of the Alliance since the early 1990s, when Japan’s important contribution to NATO operations in the Balkans…
More recently, Japan’s Navy and NATO ships have conducted exercises in the Gulf of Aden, within the Operation Ocean Shield. This was the first time ever that the two fleets had collaborated so extensively. Japan’s Maritime Self Defence Force’s expertise was a most valuable asset in the fight against piracy.
Story by Martin Gourgue, SHAPE
