Glaring Hypocrisy To The Extreme: Monika Schaefer Arrested In Germany On BS Charges!

I want to present this article as a public service for everyone to be aware of how badly the Jewish criminal control is now in Germany.... Everyone, and especially my readers in Germany itself, must be made aware of who bad things are and the facts that those who try to get the real truths out are now being hounded and arrested in that nation as well as elsewhere...It came to my attention via some emails earlier this week that a true Canadian patriot, Monika Schaefer, had just been arrested in Germany for the BS charge of violating Germany's draconian and bullshit "hate crime laws" by her publication a few years back of a video entitled "Sorry Mom, I Was Wrong About The Holocaust"....That video was absolutely nothing more than Monika exercising her rights to freedom of speech and putting forward her own views in a video...Since that time, Monika has been hounded by the "thought police" in her native province of Alberta, who did their utmost to destroy her work as a "busker" working in and around Jasper... She was able to successfully keep her job and since the time of the video has actually kept low key....However, Monika decided to venture to Germany earlier this month to attend the equally BULLSHIT INQUISITION "hearings" being launched against another brave individual, Sylvia Stolz, under the trumped up and ridiculous charges of Sylia uttering "illegal" words at a conference she attended in Switzerland back in 2012...Many who know what has been happening to other truth seekers, remembers that Sylvia Stolz was the brave defence attorney who defended the late great Ernst Zundel back in the mid 2000's when Ernst was sent against his will from Jewish controlled Canada to Germany to face the bullshit charges of "violating Germany's Holocaust laws" from Ernst's books and speeches trying to expose the truths about the so called "Holocaust"...Sylvia did an outstanding job defending Zundel and showed his innocence... However, the Jewish criminals wanted Ernst in jail and his entire trial was nothing more than a "kangaroo court" where he was already labeled by those monsters as "guilty".... And poor Sylvia herself was also charged with 'hate crimes' for just defending the man, and was also thrown in jail for a few years.... Yes, the German Jewish controlled thought police have been wanting to see Sylvia return to a jail cell since the time of her release in 2011, and the conference she attended in Switzerland is now their sorry excuse....To further help explain the present predicament that Monika is in right now, I want to present the link to a report here from the Glaring Hypocrisy website, at, that covers the facts and presents once again Monika's famous (and infamous) video for all to see for themselves: Notes: THIS is a travesty of justice and shows how far the German nation has sunk.... Germany used to be free and it fought the second World War to stop the injustice of the real criminals who want to enslave us all... Now that nation is a shadow of that greatness and it is wanting to suppress real research into the facts behind that so called "Holocaust" even if it means those who question are now thrown into jail on fraudulent charges....Honestly, if we do not stand up to these monsters and demand that the truth never be suppressed, then what has happened to Monika Schaefer and Sylvia Stolz is just the beginning and could happen to us all.... I for one have always wanted to use this blog as a window of real truths, and I am deeply disgusted by this outrage and travesty... Hopefully others will also get the message and demand that Monika be released immediately and at least be allowed to come back to Canada...More to comeNTS