Girl smuggled into Britain to have her ‘organs harvested’

Body parts black market booming in UK

Press TV – October 20, 2013

The number of human smuggling victims in the UK has topped record levels with a girl specifically trafficked to have her organs harvested, it has emerged.
A government report exposed the case of a Somali girl trafficked into Britain, where human smugglers intended to remove her organs and sell them on the black market, the Daily Telegraph reported.
The report claims that the case is a first, but child protection charities say it is unlikely to be an isolated incident since human traffickers were likely to have smuggled a group of children into the country.
The number of victims trafficked into Britain last year spiked by more than 50 percent compared to the previous year, of whom 371 children were either used as slaves or sexually abused, said the report.
The countries from where children were trafficked included Vietnam, Nigeria, China, Bangladesh and Romania, the report said.
Child protection charities have warned that the demand for organ transplants in Britain is being exploited by criminal gangs, who snatch children from target countries and smuggle them into the UK to have their organs harvested.
“Traffickers are exploiting the demand for organs and the vulnerability of children. It’s unlikely that a trafficker is going to take this risk and bring just one child into the UK. It is likely there was a group”, said Bharti Patel, the chief executive of Ecpat UK, a child protection charity.
This comes as the World Health Organization estimates that as many as 7,000 kidneys are illegally obtained by traffickers each year around the world.
Among other organs being sold on the black market, kidneys are the most sought-after because one can be removed from a patient without any ill effects.
