Gina Haspel Wanted To Withdraw-- Guess Which Imbecile Didn't Want Her To

Looks like Trumpanzee wants even more chaos and anguish. Sunday afternoon, a team of Washington Post reporters claimed that torture queen Gina Haspel tried to withdraw her nomination to head the CIA. Sensible, considering what's gone on in the past and what's coming in her confirmation hearing. But the fascist regime-- likely either Trumpanzee or Bolton, since no one remotely sane would have-- told Bloody Gina to keep fighting. She's not just a hands on torturer but was also caught destroying evidence of illegal torture for the CIA.

Haspel told the White House she was interested in stepping aside if it avoided the spectacle of a brutal confirmation hearing on Wednesday and potential damage to the CIA’s reputation and her own, the officials said. She was summoned to the White House on Friday for a meeting on her history in the CIA’s controversial interrogation program-- which employed techniques such as waterboarding that are widely seen as torture-- and signaled that she was going to withdraw her nomination. She then returned to CIA headquarters, the officials said.Taken aback at her stance, senior White House aides, including legislative affairs head Marc Short and press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, rushed to Langley, Va., to meet with Haspel at her office late Friday afternoon. Discussions stretched several hours, officials said, and the White House was not entirely sure she would stick with her nomination until Saturday afternoon, according to the officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.Trump learned of the drama Friday, calling officials from his trip to Dallas. He decided to push for Haspel to remain as the nominee after initially signaling he would support whatever decision was taken, administration officials said....Haspel’s nomination to become the first woman to lead the CIA came close to being scuttled Friday ahead of any hearings-- and largely at her own hand, the U.S. officials said. The problem came to a head Friday afternoon when she was summoned to the White House for some urgent questions, particularly on her role in the use of waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques.She had been in a meeting with her staff at CIA headquarters in Langley, fielding mock questions to prepare for her confirmation hearing, when the summons arrived.Some White House officials were concerned by material being raised in questions from Congress, information they were just learning about, according to the U.S. officials. Those officials said the material was not revelations that have been unearthed in recent months, but the White House wanted to hear Haspel’s explanation of it....Haspel’s chances of winning Senate confirmation are considered uncertain... with some Trump advisers telling the president in recent weeks she was unlikely to be confirmed.

Not really "high respected" and Trumpanzee doesn't need a single Democrat to confirm herSo why would Trump make such a goofy move as to keep her front and center? He loves playing the victim. He lives anything taking his own criminal behavior out of the spotlight. He loves a fight. Do you think he's verifiably insane? Just asking for a friend.