Gilad Atzmon does la Quenelle

A big thanks is being sent out to Gallier.  He is keeping you and I in the know regarding the QuenelleMerci mon ami!

Gallier2January 8, 2014 at 2:22 AMHi Penny,here a nice video in English from Gilad Atzmon. Explaining things. You will like it.

And I do like it. Yes, I do!  First up Gilad Atzmon does la quenelle.  And pay attention to his line of questioning. Hmmmmm......Updated: Longer version of the adoring crowds greeting the interior minister

gallier2January 9, 2014 at 1:14 AMHi Penny,here a bit longer version of the second video… can see the face of the minister going through all shades of pale, lol.

Arrivée chahutée de Manuel Valls à la gare de... by OuestFranceFRVideo # 2- Brought to us, again, by Gallier

gallier2January 8, 2014 at 2:00 PMJust in. You can see the popularity of our interior minister:

Yes, the interior minister looks to be really adored by all....... (facetious, completely)Gallier, should I say la or le? Not sure?Clarify and I will correct.