Georgian Defense Chief Meets With NATO Military Committee

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
October 25, 2013
Meeting with Chairman of NATO Military Committee

Minister of Defence of Georgia Irakli Alasania met with the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee General Knud Bartels. The meeting was held within the frames of the visit of Defence Minister in Brussels.
Irakli Alasania thanked General Bartels for the contribution provided in the development of Georgian Armed Forces. One of the key topics of discussions were current NATO-Georgia partnership and future cooperation plans. The sides also touched upon the NATO-led international mission in Afghanistan in the post-ISAF period as well as training and assisting Afghan National Security Forces. Minister of Defence and Chief of Military Committee talked on Georgia`s new role in the Afghan mission after 2014.
Minister also held bilateral meetings with Permanent Representatives of Netherlands to NATO Marjanne de Kwaasteniet and Ambassador of France to NATO Mr. Jean-Baptist MATTEI. Irakli Alasania introduced current defence reforms to the foreign diplomats.
The prospects of bilateral military cooperation were discussed during the meeting mainly focused on military education. Memorandum of Understanding will be signed with the Kingdom of Netherlands. Irakli Alasania expressed hope that a fruitful cooperation with Netherlands will continue in future too.
The Minister of Defence the underlined importance of the political support of the European countries to Georgia`s Euro-Atlantic membership aspirations. The sides also talked on the upcoming London and Vilnius summits and Georgia`s possible participation in the missions implemented under the aegis of NATO and EU.
