Georgian Armed Forces Being Further NATOized

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
March 12, 2015
Meeting with Defence Attachés

Defence Attachés of foreign countries accredited to Georgia received information about the transformation process of the Military Police of the Georgian Armed Forces today. Chief of Military Police Department, LTC Levan Gabunia presented the reorganization plan of the unit to the representatives of diplomatic corps at the meeting held at the Defence Ministry. The First Deputy Defence Minister Gocha Ratiani and Chief of General Staff of the Georgian Armed Forces, Major-General Vakhtang Kapanadze attended the meeting.
According to LTC Levan Gabunia, transformation process is aimed at achieving the NATO interoperability and is based on experience of the Alliance member countries. Structural changes envisages establishment of integrated unit compatible with the structure of the GAF. Two combat battalions of the Military Police will be created oriented at implementation of tactical tasks the Georgian Armed Forces faces. Their mission will be participation in full spectrum of military operations and involvement in NATO Military Police multinational battalions. Along with the law-enforcement activities, new functions will be added to the unit, like implementation and support of the maneuver and mobility operations, securing the area of operations and rear operations during peacetime, wartime and crisis.
Chief of MP underlined that optimization process does not mean the staff reduction. The battalions will be manned in full compliance with existing requirements of the Georgian Armed Forces. All military policemen who will meet the established criteria will continue service in the unit. In the future, Military Police will pay attention to raising qualification of its servicemen.
The presentation was followed by the question and answer session. Foreign partners expressed readiness to provide expert assistance to the Military Police Department in the transformation process.
The transformation process of the Military Police is based on recommendation and implementation plan of the Substantial Package; considers the experience of Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Czech Republic, USA, etc, also, recommendations of the “Strategic Defence Review 2013-2016” that suggests the revision of structure and analysis of existing capabilities. The basis of the process is the commitments undertaken by the PARP process and “Minister’s Vistion 2015”. Reorganization of the MP Department is also defined in the 55th article of 2014 National Action Plan of the Georgia-EU Association Agreement.
