Georgia: Military Air Show With American Flags

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
September 9, 2014
Air Show held at Alekseevka Air Base

The week dedicated to the memory of the US-Georgian Aircraft Designer Alexander Kartvelishvili (Kartveli) was opened today. On the first day of the week Air Show was held at the Alekseevka Mixed Air Base. L-39 “Albatros”, Su-25 “Mimino” and AN-2 aircrafts of Aviation and Air Defence Command of GAF took part in the event. UN-1H “Iroquois” military helicopters also were presented in the show.
The paratroopers opened the air-show at the Alekseevka airdrome. When jumping from the helicopters, they unfolded Georgian and the US flags. The air crew performed difficult flight maneuvers, with the show elements that are usually used in combat operations, including military survival operations, air strikes as well as when repulsing an attack.
Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili, Minister of Defence Irakli Alasania, Chief of the General Staff of GAF Major-General Vakhtang Kapanadze and top brass of the MoD and the GS attended the event. Among the invited guests were also the representatives of legislative and executive organs, Diplomatic Corps and the Union of Armed Forces of Georgia. Attendance at the show was free for the interested persons too.
A photo exhibition was held for the invited guests at the air base territory. The photo material reflecting Aircraft Designer`s life activity and his aircraft models were displayed at the exhibition. The visitors also had the opportunity to view the models of the aircrafts designed by the youth of Military Scientific-Technical Centre “Delta”. Military Orchestra of Ministry of Defence of Georgia accompanied the air show musically.
