Georgia: Command And Staff Course Held At NATO Liaison Office

Ministry of Defence of Georgia
February 17, 2014
Command and Staff Course at NATO Liaison Office

Informational and educational course for the sergeants of Giorgi Antsukhelidze NCO Training Center was opened at NATO Liaison Office today. The seminar held within the project “Our European Choice: European Values, Euro-Atlantic Integration” aims to deliver information to the sergeants on the foreign policy priorities of Georgia.
34 sergeants of Command and Staff Course of NCO Training Center are undergoing three-day seminar. The sergeants of the levels of company, battalions and battalions’ staff, as well the various departments of General Staff of GAF attend the course.
Director of Information Center on NATO and EU Elene Gotsadze opened the seminar. While delivering a speech she focused on Georgia’s foreign policy priorities and strategic choice. The speakers – Co-Director of “Strategic Research Center” and Deputy Head of Coordination Department of the Office of Georgia on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration delivered information to the sergeants on history of NATO, its structure and development.
The second day of the seminar will refer to the security policy of EU and Georgia. Military servicemen will get information about gender issues during the last day of the seminar.
The course is organized by the Information Center on NATO and EU and held under the support of NATO Liaison Office.
