George Galloway may be coming back to UK Parliament

Last month saw the death of a long-time British Labour MP Gerald Kaufman. Kaufman was a beloved figure in Parliament and was remembered for taking a keen interest in Palestinian freedom, recognising the importance of Jews such as himself working with Muslims, Christians and all others for a common cause based on the notions of human rights and justice for Palestine.
His death automatically triggers a by-election for his vacated seat. There has been much speculation in Mr. Kaufman’s Manchester Gorton constituency that the prominent former MP, George Galloway may stand in the forthcoming election.
Like Kaufman, Galloway is a long time supporter of Palestine. Perhaps even more importantly at a time when the front-benches of all major UK parties are filled by people whose personalities are small and whose ideas are even smaller, Galloway is an international figure who can command audiences from Baltimore to Beirut, Baghdad to the heart of Britain.
Important issues ought to be discussed by heavyweight people and few would argue that Galloway is difficult to ignore in terms of his refined rhetoric and his ability to tackle the big topics of debate without fear or restraint.
He recently produced a film, The Killing$ of Tony Blair about the personal corruption and war profiteering off his arch-nemesis Tony Blair which he has toured around the world. He also hosts a popular radio show and a weekly current affairs programme on RT.
Galloway has opposed western meddling in Iraq, Libya and now Syria. He opposed independence in his native Scotland and campaigned for the winning Brexit campaign, once sharing a platform with Nigel Farage.
Although Galloway has had a long time friendship with current Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, Galloway remains outside of the Labour party ever since Tony Blair expelled him for his strident opposition to the Iraq War, a war which in today’s Britain, hardly any respectable figure could say was a good thing.
Whether one loves him or hates him, politics in any democracy requires figures who can command the respect of an audience and get people to pay attention to the conflicts of the wider world.
George Galloway can certainly do that.
Now watch George Galloway talk about Iraq before US Senators 

The post George Galloway may be coming back to UK Parliament appeared first on The Duran.
