Fusion GPS founder, and man behind ‘Trump dossier’ cancels testimony to Congress

Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion GPS, the espionage firm which ordered the completely fake Trump ‘dirty dossier’, which John McCain then handed to the FBI, and which Buzzfeed News then published as actual news, has cancelled his testimony before Congress next week.
The Gateway Pundit reports

Fusion GPS was in the news again this week after Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya who met with Donald Trump Jr. last June in New York City was linked to the far left propaganda.
Simpson will not testify next week on the fake dossier.

The Washington Examiner reports:

The co-founder of a firm behind an unverified intelligence dossier about President Trump and his relationship with Russia will not testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee next week, after he was scheduled to do so, according to a Politico report Thursday.
On Wednesday, the committee had announced a July 19 hearing that included Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of the political and corporate intelligence firm Fusion GPS, as a witness.
This request raised the expectation that Simpson would provide details about the dossier, which was said to have been collected during last year’s presidential campaign.

Questions now arise as to why the man behind the Trump smear dossier (paid for by the DNC and HRC) is not going to testify to the Senate Judiciary Committee, while Trump Jr. is now being called to testify before Congress for simply having a 20 minute meeting with a Russian lawyer with zero ties to the Kremlin?
Perhaps a subpoena for Mr. Simpson is in order.
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