TweetThis is a great article from the blog "Libya Against the Super Power Media"
The US supported radical Islamists, al Qaeda, Ansar Al Sharia, Muslim Brotherhood, etc., have made a formal statement as to what will happen to the women in Libya if they succeed in controlling the country.
Ghadafi, when he took control of Libya in the 1969 bloodless revolution, emancipated women. It took him years to undo the damage done by the radicals lodged in the eastern part of Libya near Derna. Many of the psychopathic radical Islamists left Libya when the people of Libya took their country from the old despot king
The people of Libya in large majority are 90% against radical Islam, they do not follow these radical beliefs. Ghadafi had thrown out the part of the Koran that was added by the Ayatollah Khomeini that called for the radical Islam. For this the radical psychopaths put a Fatwa (kill order) on Ghadafi that lasted 20 years. The radicals have made up so many lies about Libya in the past and about Ghadafi, that they have fossilized their lies into reality. The truth will win out and reality checks for these psychopaths will most likely include their death as they cannot see beyond their psychosis and they have no problem terrorizing innocent people, raping women and chopping off heads.
Below is the Sharia law that will be imposed upon Libya IF the radicals happen to control Libya.
Statement of Ansar al-Sharia Islamic state on the people of Benghazi, in agreement with the legitimate bodies in Derna: We do not want to govern the country, but we want Islamic Sharia arbitration
Shariah Board
Office lawsuit
Mandate of Benghazi
1 – Prohibits girls to wear jeans and sweater, and must wear Islamic dress abaya and Burkas and not put any make-up or Toiletry (deodorant)
2 – Prohibits smoking in all its types and the drinking of alcohol and drugs.
3 – Closing barber shops for men and prevents shortening of hair or shave the mustache and chin
4 – Prohibits the development of women’s clothing’s storefronts and the salesperson must be gender Female and the purchaser enters the shop alone without any man over age
5 – Tailor shops must close in the event of the women’s presence in the shop.
6 – All Signboards and all the ads that are placed to the women’s hairdressing shops. Should be wiped out and closed.
7 – To be Flogged 70 lashes each of the trades word “Ansar al Sharia”. (Nobody understands this statement)
8 – Prohibits women to visit Men Doctors they are to be treated
9 – Prevents hair comb or any modern things anything be put on the hair for young people. (like hair spray, gel, elastic bands, hair pins etc)
10 – Prohibits wearing jeans for young people with the waistcoat.
11 - Shut down all kinds of coffee shops
12 – Prohibits the display and the watching of any playing football the so-called soccer, volleyball, basketball, except exercise walking, running, swimming, and horseback riding.
13 - Driving for women is prohibited.
14 – The shutting down of all lounges, including the Wedding lounges.
15 – Women traveling is prohibited in the inside or outside without a companion, husband, brother, father or uncle.
16 Shops to be closed down who have music Cd’s and prevent all types to be sold.
If anyone violates, it will apply the law of God and the flogging it in front of people.So that those who cross take it ..
Editors Note: Even Khomeini has changed in Iran but this group is worse than Iran.
قرار انصار الشريعة والتطبيق فوري والا تعرض لتطبيق قانون شرع الله
كما تم استلامه
من موقع انصار الشريعة للدولة الاسلامية
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
وان احكم بهم بما انزل اللهبيان انصار الشريعة للدولة الاسلامية على اهالي بنغازي بالاتفاق مع الهيئات الشرعية بمدينة درنة: نحن لانريد ان نحكم البلد بل نريد تحكيم الشريعة الاسلامية
الهيئة الشرعية
المكتب الدعوى
ولاية بنغازي
1 – يمنع ارتداء الفتاة للجينز والكنزة ويجب ارتداء اللباس الاسلامي العباية والبركع ويمنع وضع المكياج.وادوات الزينة
2 – يمنع التدخين بكل انواعه وشرب الخمور والمخدرات
3 – تغلق محلات الحلاقة الرجالية ويمنع تقصير الشعر او حلاقة الذقن والشارب
4 – يمنع وضع الملابس النسائية على واجهات المحلات ويجب ان تكون البائعة انثى والشارية تدخل للمحل بمفردها دون اي رجل فوق السن 14
5 – تغلق محلات الخياطة النسائية في حال تواجد ذكر في المحل.
6 – تزال كل الآرمات والاعلانات التي توضع لمحلات الكوافير النسائية.وتغلق
7 – يجلد 70 جلدة كل من يتداول كلمة “انصار الشريعة”.
8 – يمنع زيارات النساء لاطباء النسائية بقصد المعالجة.
9 – يمنع تمشيط الشعر بالتسريحات الحديثة ووضع اي شيئ على الشعر بالنسبة للشباب. ( الجيل والمصففات والكريمات وماشابه ذلك )
10- يمنع ارتداء بنطال الجينز بالنسبة للشباب ذو الخصر الساحل.
11ـ تغلق جميع المقاهى بانواعها
12ـ يمنع العرض والتفرج واللعب بالكرة بما يسمى كرة القدم والطائرة والسلة عدى ممارسة الرياضة المشي والجري والسباحة وركوب الخيل فقط
13ـممنوع اي عنصر نسائي بــ قيادة السيارات
14ـ اغلاق جميع الصالات بما تسمى صالة الافراح
15ـيمنع السفر النساء داخل او خارج بدون محرم..الزوج او الاخ .او الاب او
العم والخال
16ـ تغلق جميع محلات الاشرطة بانواعها ويمنع بيعها
اعتبارا من يوم الجمعة 2014/6/13
ومن يخالف الامر سوف يطبق شرع الله والاقتصاص منه..امام الناس
حتى يكون عبر لمن اعتبر..
Tags: Al QaedaAnsar Al ShariaLibya