The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Important Video - What Cesium 137 Will Do To You!

It has been a while since I last put up any articles concerning the still ongoing disaster at the Fukushima Daichii Nuclear Power Plant at Fukushima Japan.... It has been almost 3 full years now since the March 11th, 2011 tsunami, explosions, and subsequent meltdowns of at least 3 nuclear reactors, at that facility, and to this date that disaster is still basically out of control and still pouring out massive amounts of nuclear radioactive material into both our atmosphere and the adjoining Pacific Ocean.  There is also no hope for actually containing this disaster for years to come...What has not been talked about much has been the alarming release of highly toxic Cesium 137 from the Fukushima disaster... It is a fact that since that March 2011 disaster that highly toxic and very deadly element has been pouring out into the atmosphere and into the Pacific Ocean....It has been alarming that few reports have come out about the absolutely horrible dangers from this chemical.... But I came across a very interesting and disturbing video that was actually released almost a year ago, in May 2013, that I definitely want to share with everyone here...It is entitled: "Steven Starr" and contains a very important report by Steven Starr, a senior Scientist from the University of Missouri, about the dangers that we all face from the release of Cesium 137 from the Fukushima disaster... I have that important video right here, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  I have been warning people for almost 3 years that we do face some real life threatening dangers as a result of this ongoing disaster, and this video presentation only vindicates my arguments...As stated in this video, the real danger from Cesium 137 is that it is bio-accumulative, and is definitely showing up in a lot of the marine life being caught right now in the Pacific Ocean.... People are eating fish and other marine life out of the Pacific, and are unaware that they are introducing this dangerous and highly toxic chemical into their bodies!Again, it is very disturbing that our own governments are ignoring the dangers we are truly facing from Fukushima, and instead are doing everything to absolutely kiss the criminal state of Israel's ass....... It is pathetic..... One other note.... We are still hearing about radiation reports coming from the North American Pacific coast right now, and I would say that in spite of the naysayers that state that these are "false alarms", the people living along the Pacific coast should definitely heed the warnings and do what they can to protect themselves from the Fukushima radioactive plume that is definitely either about to hit the Pacific coast or has already arrived.... I do not agree with some people saying that everyone should go out and purchase Potassium Iodide tablets, but I would say that those that have poor or weakened immune systems should do what they can by taking the proper foods and supplements to strengthen these immune systems and protect themselves from possible radiation exposure...As usual, as more reports about the Fukushima disaster come forward that are a must see by everyone.. I will present them here... Stay tuned...More to comeNTS