Free-Thought Free-for-All

The Soul of the East
This daring, edgy essay in defence of free-thought and the untiring, unstoppable progress of science was originally published the day after it was delivered on FreeThoughtLand—a Geocities site since down. Putin did thisand I have the Youtube clip and Tweets to prove it. But I defer that exposé to another day and, rather, present to you the paper captured in my cookies and pasted for your pleasure and enlightenment. I’ve slightly amplified it to include a brief biographical note and a small summary of the speaker’s distinctions. The former follows now.

Albert Newton Bell was born in Oxfcambrsussexshire on the 4th of July, 1981, into a stout Church of England household. At age 17 he read the title of Bertrand Russel’s little apologia Why I’m not a Christian and decided that he wasn’t either.

He entered Macquarie University, where he fell in love with science. He followed…
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