The Fraudulent US Presidential Election: First "Debate" Between Killary Clinton And Donald Drumpf - My Take On What I Witnessed

OK, I have to admit it... I actually did watch and listen to the ENTIRE US Presidential "Debate" that occurred last night on the US Jew Spew media lying networks.... I figured that considering how much I have already covered about this pure and utter  bullshit of a US "Presidential Election" , I would be doing my readers a disservice if I did not tune in and file a report here... And from what I saw, there is much to discuss...Lets first state the obvious... Donald Drumpf is NOT a debator.. He never was, but is instead a crooked businessman... And as a businessman that has made billions off the backs of many hard working Americans, he went into that debate with a foul disgusting murderous demonic creature such as Killary Clinton, who of course is a career "politician" with a knack of lying her ass off, with a severe disadvantage... But honestly, he did hold his own from the start...But there were of course shenanigans that took place... One of the major ones was the FACT that the microphone that Donald Drumpf used was absolutely defective and was used to create the image that he could not speak properly and that his TONE of voice was terrible... Here is a link to an article from The Telegraph online news service out of the UK, at, where Donald explicitly states that he was given a defective microphone on purpose... Here is that link: One thing that I did notice about Killary Clinton is that she seemed a bit robotic at times in her responses... It seemed that this witch was getting her answers from someone off stage and through a hidden microphone... But we have seen the reports over the last few days that said clearly that the usage of a "earpiece" that this freak of nature has been known to use was forbidden for this "debate"... So how did she get her answers from her controllers?  Well, the answer may be here in this photo that shows that Killary did indeed have something strange attached to her back, which indicates the presence of a microphone on her body during the fraud debate... Here is the link to that image:, about the 'debate' itself.... I could not believe the outrageous lies coming out of the mouth of Killary Clinton during this spectacle... Two things caught my attention, and one was specifically when Drumpf nailed this witch on her email scandal that should have her in jail rather than standing up there on that stage... Killary's reply to the email scandal was...."It was a mistake", which is so ridiculous in that these emails have cost the American government the lives of so many of their agents working in other nations, billions in lost and stolen technology that was sent to China and elsewhere by the criminal Clinton Foundation, and showed how crooked and evil the Clintons actually are.... And all this career criminal states is that she "made a mistake".... Honestly, this witch should be strung up for her crimes....And of course we had these two square off over the fraud "terrorist" group called "ISIS"..... Both criminals had the nerve to state that if they became President they would both "clean up ISIS".... Well, knowing the truth that ISIS is a complete fraud, and that the US is itself absolutely "ISIS", then the clean up should be the US government!  But honestly, good luck to that, for the US will continue to need their fraud boogeyman for their insane military industrial complex to make billions off of suckers in the fraud war on terror, and it will continue to use "ISIS" to try to scare the crap out of the gullible American public.... I did appreciate the fact that Drumpf laid it out that "ISIS" came into being during Killary's tenure as Secretary of State, but Drumpf is not a stupid man and knows full well that ISIS is a fraud... It was unnerving to watch Donald refuse to use the fraudulence of ISIS as a "knock out blow" and ruin Killary right there and then..... It shows that Donald is indeed part of the game and will continue with the fraud war on terror if he becomes President...The economic part of the debate was to me ridiculous... Donald Drumpf had a chance there to also put Killary on the ropes with his knowledge that the 20 TRILLION dollar debt that the US is saddled with today is a fraud and mostly odious debt.. And he knows that the solution is to END THE FED immediately and make the US government the sole provider of currency debt free... And I was surprised that Drumpf did not knock Killary for her part in the creation of much of that debt during her time as Secretary of State and getting the US involved in no win wars that increased that debt astronomically... He did mention a bit about these wars, but again failed to deliver the knock out blow against Killary especially with her direct involvement in the illegal war in Libya!And yes, these two squared off on the Iran issue... I do believe that became part of the main issues due to both of these clowns meeting with their lord and master, the mass murderer Benyamin Miliekowsky (Netanyahu) just yesterday, and to speak about Iran was part of their bowing to their Jewish masters who still want Iran destroyed.... They did talk about the so called "payment" that the US made to Iran as part of the recent "nuclear deal" and  both claimed that it was wrong... But what is not told to the American people is the fact that the US had decades ago "frozen" (stolen) Iranian assets when the Iranians turned away from US control... Now the Iranians rightfully wanted those "frozen" assets returned to them, and the US had to oblige... Yes the amount of those "frozen" assets was indeed in the tens of billions of dollars, but the fact is that it is absolutely Iran's money!And we found both Killary and Donald discussing Iran's non-existent "nuclear weapons" program... This is where they tried to bullshit the American people with the usual Israeli lies about "centrifuges" and "Iran close to making the bomb"... It was ridiculous and disgusting... Yes, the reality has always been that Iran is NOT building any nuclear weapons at all, and they are a threat to NO ONE other than... Israel!  I do believe again that this was purposely put into this debate to again fool the American people and to appease their Jewish masters... It was indeed disgusting to watch....Killary also tried to once again hit Donald on some non-issues, such as the Barry Soetoro "birth certificate" which to me is a laugher because of course Barry is NOT a natural born American citizen and absolutely should never have been President... But now it is too late to even bother with that issue for Barry is out in about 5 months time..... But it made sense for this debate, because Killary and her handlers were indeed reaching for anything that they could to try to hang on Drumpf.... And they were hoping that the suckers in America would fall for it... Luckily it did not stick at all......Of course these two talked about the Syrian issue, and I was surprised that Drumpf failed to hit Killary and even Barry Soetoro hard for their failed attempts at trying to have that nation destroyed... He could have indeed had a "coup de grace" and put Killary out of her misery there for her creating the situation in Syria in the first place back in 2011 while she was Secretary of State, but he did not, and it was indeed a puzzle.... But Killary did herself no favors when she blurted out about helping "OUR FRIENDS THE KURDS".. That did get my ears burning when she said that, and shows how this witch is truly part of the criminal cabal that wants Syria destroyed... Many people still do not get it that the US and Israel were at first looking at the Kurds as their "ace in the hole" for Syria's break up, and recently when the Turks became directly involved in Syria, these criminals quickly abandoned the Kurds to try to woo Turkey... And now that Turkey has turned its back on the US/Israel, these criminals are once again looking at the Kurds as their "Plan B" for Syria's dismemberment..... It is so pathetic, and yet Drumpf once again did not pounce on that witch for her "slip of the tongue" and this became like other points in this entire debate, moot....Yes, there was the question about Killary's stamina and whether she is "fit" to even be President... Anyone with any common sense can see that she is a mental and physical basket case, and absolutely not even close to being well enough to become the next US President... And Drumpf had it in his power right there and then to once again nail Killary and knock her out of the race.. But he did not, and I again have to ask if Drumpf himself is indeed playing a game here?..... Killary is a psychotic monster and yet Donald does not go after her for her mental illness?OK, So who won the debate?  Honestly, I see it as a "tie" and the real winners are the damned Jews that will continue to control America after this coming November election..... If anyone actually votes for either of these two clowns, then America you get what you deserve....More to comeNTS