The Fraud US Election: The Second US Presidential Election Debate - My Take

I have indeed been suffering from a really bad head cold over the last week... But finally last night I was feeling a bit better and decided to actually watch and listen to the second US Presidential debate between Donald Drumpf, and that mass murdering freakazoid that somehow passes for a human being called Hillary "Killary" Clinton..... I honestly could not even stand looking at Killary Clinton, and every time the camera focused on that creature my headaches seemed to return.... But I persevered and I figured I would file a report on what I saw here....First, I must once again make it perfectly clear here that I honestly have no true love for either of these "candidates".... I look at Donald Drumpf as a Jewish controlled puppet who if selected by the Jewish elite to be the next President would indeed continue to kiss Jewish butt and continue to allow the Jewish control over America continue unabated..... BUT with that in mind, sadly is still the better choice for President right now due to the failings of the "two party system"... It is still a choice between on one side a murderous psychopathic demonic killer that rightfully should be in a jail cell, and on the other side Donald Drumpf...... And that is not an "endorsement" for Drumpf in any way....OK, onto the ridiculous debate...... Lets face facts here... Drumpf went into that "town hall" debate with guns pointed at his head... The Jew spew media was definitely composed of two traitors to America who have already sold their souls to Killary Clinton, and they did their worse at trying to nail Drumpf right off the bat with that audio taping of some 11 years previous where Drumpf did make some disparaging remarks against women....And of course there can be no doubt that the Jew spew media outlet's own Anderson Cooper is not only a shill but has a long history of being a CIA operative to boot...... BUT in spite of the constant bombardment by both the debate hosts AND of course Killary Clinton, Drumpf held his own and actually turned the tables on all three by at first doing the right thing and apologizing again to the American people, but throwing it in their faces that they should be concentrating on the issues that affect Americans.... This tactic was a tremendous success and put all three of these clowns on the defensive..... Point for Drumpf here and it was downhill for Killary from there...I was actually very happy to see Drumpf go in for the kill right off the bat by attacking BOTH Killary and her hedonistic husband Bill for Bill's rapes and sexual attacks while he was the President, and how Killary covered up those attacks.... That was only the beginning, and even though it was not brought out in the first "debate", Donald came prepared.... Having Bill Clinton's rape and sexual assault victims present during the debate, with the television cameras focusing in on them from time to time during the debate, was a stroke of genius....AND the look on Bill's face when Drumpf directly attacked him for his sexual assaults was absolutely PRICELESS..... It only got better from that point....Yes, Drumpf put Killary on the defensive from the get go, and anyone that has long analyzed body language, including myself, could not help but see that she was suddenly lost and was squirming... Her script writers had definitely planned to have her ONLY focus on Donald Drumpf's recently revealed "indiscretions" and were unprepared for Donald's attack focus...... Hillary was at a loss on every question, even though 'prepared' in advance and in most cases favouring her and her campaign, and you could see it in her eyes.... The witch was stuck and she continued to sink as the debate continued...Donald Drumpf continued his attacks on Killary all through the "debate" and Killary was absolutely on the defensive on all matters... Her attempts to defend "Obamacare" was to me her biggest crash and burn in the entire debate, due to her failings to defend the entire program considering she has been all for not only keeping the program in its present form, but has been pushing for expanding it with all its failings... Drumpf was right in calling it a disaster and that it would be ended under his administration.... Killary was left trying to not only defend it, but had the gall to claim that she would "keep the best parts" and make changes to "improve it"?   She had a lot of nerve, and everyone could tell it was an outright lie..... Another tremendous point for Donald on that one....And... Killary was once again lost when it came to America's foreign policies and especially her inability to state how she would fight "terrorism"... But we all know by now that this fraud "terrorism" actually expanded during her time as Secretary of State, AND especially the fact that she alone is fully responsible for the creation of 'ISIS' and purposely injecting these paid mercenaries and CIA/Mossad operatives into Syria for that innocent nation's destruction... Drumpf was on the offensive on this one and not only called her policies on "terrorism" a disaster but stated the obvious that the Russians and the Syrians are the ONLY ones destroying ISIS... He even made the point that the city of Aleppo has "already fallen" which to state the obvious that the "terrorists" in that city are doomed.... This again was a major victory for Drumpf in this debate......There were some times during the debate and towards the end especially where everyone could see Killary totally lost... Her eyes alone showed despair and being totally lost..... Drumpf had nailed her for her ineptitude and her failings as the previous Secretary of State,and showed that she was a criminal and in no way should ever become President.... Drumpf's call for an investigation into her evil actions and her 33000 email destruction was again priceless, and to state that she would be in jail if he were President said it all.... Killary was absolutely destroyed in this debate!The one quip that I hope that everyone caught was when Killary said "Even if you do not vote for me, I will be President".... I have been looking over the alternative media over the last while and few people caught that as a clear signal that this witch has already been anointed as the next President, and clearly that no matter how many people vote for Drumpf, she has already been selected as the President and that the vote fixing is already a done deal........That slip of the tongue by this evil creature seems to always happen, and again shows how truly evil she is.......One last point about this debate, that Drumpf clearly won.... I could not help but notice towards the end of this fiasco when a black fly actually flew directly onto Killary's face, and rather than that vile creature raise her hand and swipe it away, allowed it to sit there for a few seconds and it flew away by itself.... And yes, I did think that flies are definitely attracted to SHIT, and we therefore had this one do what it does instinctively!   Here is a video of that fly in the face of this witch for everyone to see for themselves:Yes, Drumpf won this debate, and absolutely did it in style... He came in knowing that the gloves are off and he had absolutely nothing to lose considering all the dirty tricks that the frauds in the Democratic party have been trying to pull..... The debate itself was indeed a case of "3 on 1" when the moderators tried to gang up on him with Killary and they failed so miserably it was not only pathetic, but was almost laughable.....Killary lost this debate so badly and it showed....But the facts are that this election is already stolen and the American people are indeed going to be stuck with this demonic witch come November.   I do wonder what the American public will do then?More to comeNTS