The Fraud Orlando Shooting: Video - CASE CLOSED! Final Nail In Coffin...Orlando Shooting Was 100% Staged Hoax! THIS IS ALL YOU NEED TO SEE!

I just do not get it?  We who know this latest Orlando 'shooting' was indeed a staged hoax are still fighting an uphill battle with the truly brain dead out there that cannot wrap their minds around the facts that this latest "shooting" and every single one before it have been staged hoaxes.... It should be apparent to anyone with even two brain cells to rub together that these hoaxes are being used for the psychological effect of FEAR to get people so scared that they will blindly surrender their rights, their freedoms, and their guns, for the fraud of more security.....  And yet we still have the liars in the Jew spew media, the criminals in our governments, and of course the fools who have tainted the real truth movement, out there proclaiming that these 'shootings' are somehow real.... Disgusting is putting it mildly....From the moment that the Orlando "shooting" took place, I called this for what it was, which is of course a false flag operation...  And I have presented many articles and important videos that blow this fraud apart... And right now, I want to present one of the latest videos from Peekay Truth out of Australia that puts all the pieces together that show we are indeed dealing with another Sandy Hook type fraud... Here is that video, entitled:"CASE CLOSED! Final Nail In Coffin.... Orlando Shooting Was 100% Staged Hoax!  THIS IS ALL YOU NEED TO SEE!" right here in its entirety for my own readers to view for themselves... I have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  Honestly, I do not know what to do about the brain dead out there that cannot see this hoax clearly for what it is.....One small story that I want to share with my readers: I was out and about yesterday, and as usual having my morning coffee at the local Tim Hortons restaurant here in central Canada with my usual colleagues and friends... We had our usual conversation about a whole range of topics, and it turned once again to this fraud 'shooting'.... I sat there truly amazed that even these people, who are mostly highly intelligent, still think that this was a real event.... I refused to give my two cents worth and just sat there in silence knowing that even these people have 'swallowed the Kool-aid" that the brainwashing Jew spew media has spewed into their minds.... This showed once again that it is indeed a war on peoples' minds to get them to wake up....It is my hope that this video by Peekay Truth is taken by my readers, and spread to everyone that they know.... The facts here show that this was indeed a most sloppy false flag and run by some of the most sloppy crisis actors imaginable..... I am beginning to think that the criminals that are running these frauds are at the point now that they do not care about how bad they run these operations for the gullible masses are now that stupid that they will believe almost anything..... Sadly, these morons living in America will blindly surrender their rights, freedoms, and their last line of defence which is their guns, and allow their nation to be turned into a police state.....More to comeNTS